
There is Hope

(2011-08-01 02:42:27) 下一个

Roy Lessin, DaySpring co-founder and writer

There is...

For every hectic work day there is a quiet rest...

For every painful experience there is a healing touch...

For every negative feeling there is an abiding joy...

For every disappointment there is a certain hope...

For every turbulent storm there is a sure foundation...

For every doubting thought there is a calm assurance...

For every hurtful action there is a forgiving love.

In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. Romans 8:37


But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us. 2 Corinthians 4:7

You may not have a lot of money, but you have incredible wealth. You may not have an abundance of things, but you possess more than you could ever ask or think. God has placed within you the greatest treasure anyone can ever possess-it is the life of Jesus Christ. You have, living within you, the beauty of His holiness, the kindness of His grace, the freedom of His truth, the compassion of His mercy, the greatness of His power, and the riches of His love. He has freely lavished upon you a treasure house of blessings that you can freely give away to others.

“RE” Words, Part 1

There are many “RE” words that are packed with hope and encouragement. The word REpurpose is often used today to remind us that many things once discarded, considered useless, and put aside for the trash heap, can be brought back, become useful once again, have value, and take on new meaning.

In the Scriptures we find some wonderful “RE” words that can keep hope and encouragement alive and thriving in our hearts.


Redeem means to be bought back, delivered, ransomed, or purchased. As our Redeemer, God has purchased our freedom in Christ from the slave market of sin, delivered us from Satan’s power, and made us His own possession. We have been redeemed from a useless life to a fruitful life; from a life of bondage to a life of freedom; from a life of guilt, condemnation, and judgment to a life of forgiveness, justification, and peace.

I am the LORD…I will redeem you with a stretched out arm, and with great judgments. Exodus 6:6

“RE” Words, Part 2


REgeneration is not about reforming a life, but transforming it. REgeneration brings to the heart something that was never there before. Through REgeneration, God makes all things new—new life, new hope, new heart, new goals, new purpose, new love. In REgeneration, the life of God, through the person of the Holy Spirit, enters within you, bringing about a new birth. The life of the Spirit takes you from where you never could be, and brings you into all God created you to be— turning your darkness into light, your emptiness into completeness, your spiritual death into spiritual life.

Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, by the washing of regeneration. Titus 3:5 NKJV

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