
Are you talking to me?

(2010-04-20 02:27:34) 下一个

昨天收到一封信,正是我精疲力竭, 觉都睡不够的周末。 写信人不认识我,我也不认识他,可这信分明是写给我的,它十分准确地回复了我上个星期抱怨忙碌时发过的牢骚,问过的问题。

上周我的案子开庭, 之前我还在和同事讨论过, 问问题必须要精确不宽泛,才能指望被问的一方给予你所要的回答。


究竟什么是神的爱? 他差耶稣基督降临人世, 所作的事都是世人不屑于做的事。他教导人,帮助人, 使人做他的门徒, 却被人笑骂,嫉恨,定罪, 钉上十字架。

有人常常会夸口, 我不下地狱谁下地狱!  可真的苦难来临,他还在不在,能不能舍身取义放弃自己? 你亲眼见过有这样人么?  

唯基督一人而已!  这正是我们敬拜他,荣耀归于他理所当然的缘由。

生活当中,当一个人遭遇患难时, 谁愿救他逃出水火? 还是唯耶稣基督而已!  

“ 除他以外,别无拯救。 天上地下没有赐下别的名 , 叫我们可以藉着得救 。” 真理不仅是文字, 也是在生命中可以得到验证的经历, 是生命的一部分。

救赎, 不是一个抽象概念,他不仅指基督徒接受基督为生命救主之时,上帝赐与他不死的新生命 . 也意味着在今世这个肉体生命发生危机,枯竭, 绝望,痛苦之时,基督用他复活的能力来使我的生命复原。发生事故, 意外之灾,身体病痛, 被人的庸见判断抛弃之时, 都是一个人需要救主的灵拯救之时。

保罗认识到基督的能力,他甘愿放弃一切获得基督: I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things.

以下这封信,是我在生命濒临枯干之时, 救主耶稣对我说的话。 感谢他真理的医治能力。

Your Life Matters to God

Most People Don't...

Those three words ping-ping in my mind over and over like pebbles against a glass window. I pause, "It's true. Most people don't spend so much time sitting in front of a laptop and writing."

And then it comes, "What's the matter with you? Why can't you relax and be more like most people?" You've had these words thrown like stones at you too, haven't you?

[ 我是这样说的:“ 我写东西差不多都是在写于不写的矛盾斗争中完成的,总是心中的一个声音胜过另一个声音, 断断续续就写下来了, 其实我的本性真是懒得写的人。我也很难解释清楚,为什么不花时间写写专业文章。。。” 请参考这个贴子下面的跟帖对话: http://blog.wenxuecity.com/blogview.php?date=201004&postID=5105]

Most people don't...wear themselves out in the kitchen because they believe a meal feeds hearts and fills bellies.

Most people don't...throw off their entire schedule because they take time to listen to the stranger in the grocery store having a hard day.

Most people don't...pour over spreadsheets until their eyes are red because they see numbers as sort of an art and a way to bring order to a chaotic world.

Most people don't do what you do, love what you love, feel the kind of passion you feel about that thing. I started thinking about this recently and I realized we're in good company.

Most people don't...build an ark.

Most people don't...lead people through the desert to the Promised Land.

Most people don't...die on a cross to save the world.

But aren't you glad one person did?

What It's All About

It's not about following our career path

It's about following His call upon our lives. Matthew 16:24

It's not about our self-efforts to live for Him;

It's about letting Him live His life in us. Galatians 2:20

It's not about our attempts at self-improvement;

It's about His transforming grace. 2 Corinthians 5:17

It's not about our self-image;

It's about being conformed to His image. Romans 8:29

It's not about wanting the approval of others;

It's about having His approval. 2 Timothy 2:15

除此之外,昨天中午, 他派了另一位祷告的天使, 一位新认识的碧娟姐妹, 送给我以赛亚书 61 章的经文: “ 61:1 主耶和华的灵在我身上。因为耶和华用膏膏我,叫我传好信息给谦卑的人, 差遣我医好伤心的,报告被掳的得释放 ,被囚的出监牢。 61:2 报告耶和华的恩年。。。”

在祷告前,这位姐妹还按照大概是她在的英文教会的祷告计划表, 和我们一起读了列王纪下第七章的内容, 这段是我本来不太熟悉的经文,读后让我对耶和华所行的奇事心里惊叹。

今天早晨我一直在读以赛亚书 61 章的经文,发现这是一首充满爱心优美无比的诗章, 读后我心洋溢着温暖快乐。。。

让我用 Roy Lessin 的一首诗做为今天的祷告,献给我的主:

The Lord is My …

I am satisfied.

I am instructed.

I am covered.

I am secure.

I am triumphant.

I am cared for.

I am protected.

I am built up.

I am delivered.

I am whole.

I am comforted.

I am directed.

I am assured.

I am loved.

I am accepted.

I am free.

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