

(2006-06-29 20:57:16) 下一个

Hi Nicole,

I am aligned with you and do mostly appreciate for each member of Social Club Committee this year including you that has been making our China associates` working life so splendid.  Your team spirit for contributing golden ideas and lead the role to make the staff activities marvelous has been recognized by the senior management and also China associates satisfaction level got significantly improved.  Without the team effort of Committee group, there would nothing happened to China associates and our improvement.  My sincerely appreciation to you all.

Re the incident yesterday, please we may take this as learning point which the opportunity to help us do better next time. Please don`t worry associates, actually they now want deliver most appreciation to you and the whole Committee team rather than any grievance.   And re the optimized process, recommended that a small rehearsal in advance may be presented among the Committee group, just like you have successfully delivered in the Dragon Boat Festival and small outing activity...the team effort to review again the details before action, will this be fine to you and other Committee members?  And I will join your rehearsal meeting in July if you will initiate it and invite me. ^.^  Thank you.

Please feel free to reach me should you have any concern or the help.  Have a good day !


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