
国家推荐英文读物 一年级

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Grade Level 1
Test Book Reading Point
Number Title Author Level Value
X Adivina cuánto te quiero Sam McBratney 1.0 0.5
O Are You My Mother? P.D. Eastman 1.0 0.5
? Buenas noches, luna Margaret Wise Brow 1.0 0.5
? The Bunny Hop Teddy Slater 1.0 0.5
O Can You Play? Harriet Ziefert 1.0 0.5
X ¿Eres tú mi mamá? P.D. Eastman 1.0 0.5
O Goodnight Moon Margaret Wise Brow 1.0 0.5
20235EN Guess How Much I Love You Sam McBratney 1.0 0.5
7282EN Lucky Bear Joan Phillips 1.0 0.5
7242EN Sleepy Dog Harriet Ziefert 1.0 0.5
7202EN All By Myself Mercer Mayer 1.1 0.5
16866SP Un árbol es hermoso Janice May Udry 1.1 0.5
7207EN The Best Castle Ever Harriet Ziefert 1.1 0.5
7223EN I Hate Boots Harriet Ziefert 1.1 0.5
7285EN Molly Ruth Shaw Radlauer 1.1 0.5
7286EN Molly Goes Hiking Ruth Shaw Radlauer 1.1 0.5
330EN Nate the Great Marjorie Sharmat 1.1 1.0
18419SP El papalote Alma Flor Ada 1.1 0.5
909EN A Tree is Nice Janice May Udry 1.1 0.5
7246EN Wake Up, Sun David Harrison 1.1 0.5
7202SP Yo solito Mercer Mayer 1.1 0.5
7201EN Across the Stream Mirra Ginsburg 1.2 0.5
7203EN And I Mean It, Stanley Crosby Bonsall 1.2 0.5
9352EN The Ball Book Margaret Hillert 1.2 0.5
5520SP Un beso para osito Else H. Minarik 1.2 0.5
7256EN Catch Me, Catch Me! Rev. W. Awdry 1.2 0.5
9359EN Come to School, Dear Dragon Margaret Hillert 1.2 0.5
7217EN Follow the Monsters! Sharon Lerner 1.2 0.5
17524EN Fox at School Edward Marshall 1.2 0.5
9362EN A Friend for Dear Dragon Margaret Hillert 1.2 0.5
9365EN Go to Sleep, Dear Dragon Margaret Hillert 1.2 0.5
9370EN A House for Little Red Margaret Hillert 1.2 0.5
7273EN I Like Ketchup Sandwiches Lisa Conway 1.2 0.5
9372EN I Love You, Dear Dragon Margaret Hillert 1.2 0.5
9373EN I Need You, Dear Dragon Margaret Hillert 1.2 0.5
9374EN It's Circus Time, Dear Dragon Margaret Hillert 1.2 0.5
5520EN A Kiss for Little Bear Else H. Minarik 1.2 0.5
5522EN Leo the Late Bloomer Robert Kraus 1.2 0.5
9376EN Let's Go, Dear Dragon Margaret Hillert 1.2 0.5
9377EN Let's Have a Play Margaret Hillert 1.2 0.5
9386EN Not I, Not I Margaret Hillert 1.2 0.5
7290EN The Prince's Tooth Is Loose Harriet Ziefert 1.2 0.5
19532EN Shrinking Mouse Pat Hutchins 1.2 0.5
7243EN So Sick! Harriet Ziefert 1.2 0.5
345EN Sunny-Side Up Patricia Reilly Gi 1.2 1.0
7293EN Take My Picture! Harriet Ziefert 1.2 0.5
5453EN Amelia Bedelia Peggy Parish 1.3 0.5
7205EN Babar's Picnic Laurent deBrunhoff 1.3 0.5
9353EN The Birthday Car Margaret Hillert 1.3 0.5
5462EN Chita's Christmas Tree Elizabeth Howard 1.3 0.5
9356EN Circus Fun Margaret Hillert 1.3 0.5
9357EN City Fun Margaret Hillert 1.3 0.5
19215EN Clifford and the Big Parade Norman Bridwell 1.3 0.5
6059SP Clifford, el gran perro colorado Norman Bridwell 1.3 0.5
6059EN Clifford the Big Red Dog Norman Bridwell 1.3 0.5
931SP Clifford y el gran desfile Norman Bridwell 1.3 0.5
7215EN A Dozen Dogs Harriet Ziefert 1.3 0.5
7267EN Freddie's Spaghetti Charlotte Doyle 1.3 0.5
17526EN Froggy Gets Dressed Jonathan London 1.3 0.5
934SP Frogy se viste Jonathan London 1.3 0.5
9363EN Fun Days Margaret Hillert 1.3 0.5
10519EN Good Hunting, Blue Sky Peggy Parish 1.3 0.5
7219EN Happy Birthday, Cookie Monster! Felice Haus 1.3 0.5
7220EN Happy Birthday, Thomas Rev. W. Awdry 1.3 0.5
9369EN Help for Dear Dragon Margaret Hillert 1.3 0.5
20232EN In a Dark, Dark Room and Other S Alvin Schwartz 1.3 0.5
10528EN Kit and Kat Tomie DePaola 1.3 0.5
9383EN The Magic Beans Margaret Hillert 1.3 0.5
5526EN Merry Christmas, Amelia Bedelia Peggy Parish 1.3 0.5
17539EN Moonbear's Pet Frank Asch 1.3 0.5
678EN Nate the Great and the Musical N Marjorie Sharmat 1.3 1.0
17290EN Pigs in the Mud in the Middle of Lynn Plourde 1.3 0.5
7295EN Thomas and the School Trip Rev. W. Awdry 1.3 0.5
9391EN The Three Bears Margaret Hillert 1.3 0.5
9392EN The Three Goats Margaret Hillert 1.3 0.5
9393EN The Three Little Pigs Margaret Hillert 1.3 0.5
9394EN Tom Thumb Margaret Hillert 1.3 0.5
16868SP El último en tirarse es un miedo Leonard Kessler 1.3 0.5
2812EN Who Said Boo? Jacqueline Sweeney 1.3 0.5
21223EN Willy the Champ Anthony Browne 1.3 0.5
9400EN The Yellow Boat Margaret Hillert 1.3 0.5
9351EN The Baby Bunny Margaret Hillert 1.4 0.5
7208EN Big Bird's Copycat Day Sharon Lerner 1.4 0.5
9354EN The Boy and the Goats Margaret Hillert 1.4 0.5
7257EN Clifford's Christmas Norman Bridwell 1.4 0.5
11164EN Clifford's Kitten Norman Bridwell 1.4 0.5
7258EN Clifford's Puppy Days Norman Bridwell 1.4 0.5
6110EN Curious George and the Pizza Margaret Rey 1.4 0.5
16975EN D.W. All Wet Marc Brown 1.4 0.5
9660EN A Dozen Dizzy Dogs William Hooks 1.4 0.5
9361EN Four Good Friends Margaret Hillert 1.4 0.5
5512EN Frog and Toad All Year Arnold Lobel 1.4 0.5
6116EN Frog and Toad Are Friends Arnold Lobel 1.4 0.5
5467EN Frog and Toad Together Arnold Lobel 1.4 0.5
9364EN The Funny Baby Margaret Hillert 1.4 0.5
11175EN In the Small, Small Pond Denise Fleming 1.4 0.5
9378EN The Little Cookie Margaret Hillert 1.4 0.5
9382EN The Little Runaway Margaret Hillert 1.4 0.5
45512EN Monkey Trouble David Martin 1.4 0.5
24900EN Moondance Frank Asch 1.4 0.5
430EN Nate the Great and the Boring Be Marjorie Sharmat 1.4 1.0
7236EN No More TV, Sleepy Dog Harriet Ziefert 1.4 0.5
7288EN Noah's Ark Linda Hayward 1.4 0.5
7584EN Nobody Asked Me If I Wanted a Ba Martha Alexander 1.4 0.5
6080EN Old Black Fly Jim Aylesworth 1.4 0.5
9387EN Pinocchio Margaret Hillert 1.4 0.5
6136EN Possum Come a-Knockin' Nancy VanLaan 1.4 0.5
6137EN Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf Lois Ehlert 1.4 0.5
5467SP Sapo y Sepo, inseparables Arnold Lobel 1.4 0.5
6116SP Sapo y Sepo son amigos Arnold Lobel 1.4 0.5
5512SP Sapo y Sepo, un año entero Arnold Lobel 1.4 0.5
7241EN Sir Small and the Dragonfly Jane O'Connor 1.4 0.5
10542EN Snug Bug Cathy Dubowski 1.4 0.5
7297EN Tiger is a Scaredy Cat Joan Phillips 1.4 0.5
7298EN Tim and Jim Take Off Harriet Ziefert 1.4 0.5
9395EN Up, Up, and Away Margaret Hillert 1.4 0.5
11198EN When Will the Snow Trees Grow? Ben Shecter 1.4 0.5
9397EN Who Goes to School? Margaret Hillert 1.4 0.5
10505EN Baby Moses Linda Hayward 1.5 0.5
7206EN Beef Stew Barbara Brenner 1.5 0.5
7238SP Calabaza, calabaza Jeanne Titheringto 1.5 0.5
9355EN Cinderella at the Ball Margaret Hillert 1.5 0.5
5111EN The Circus Mabel Harmer 1.5 0.5
10511EN Clifford and the Big Storm Norman Bridwell 1.5 0.5
10513EN Clifford's Good Deeds Norman Bridwell 1.5 0.5
10514EN Clifford's Happy Easter Norman Bridwell 1.5 0.5
7259EN Clifford's Thanksgiving Visit Norman Bridwell 1.5 0.5
10511SP Clifford y la tormenta Norman Bridwell 1.5 0.5
9358EN Come Play with Me Margaret Hillert 1.5 0.5
408EN Cookies and Crutches Judy Delton 1.5 1.0
5509EN Curious George H.A. Rey 1.5 0.5
7260EN David and the Giant Emily Little 1.5 0.5
6114EN Fievel's Big Showdown Gail Herman 1.5 0.5
7216EN Five Silly Fishermen Roberta Edwards 1.5 0.5
13947EN Good Luck, Ronald Morgan! Patricia Reilly Gi 1.5 0.5
9368EN Happy Easter, Dear Dragon Margaret Hillert 1.5 0.5
6119EN Henry and Mudge and the Happy Ca Cynthia Rylant 1.5 0.5
9371EN I Like Things Margaret Hillert 1.5 0.5
7574EN I Took My Frog to the Library Eric Kimmel 1.5 0.5
6071EN Ice-Cold Birthday Maryann Leffler 1.5 0.5
6121EN Is Your Mama a Llama? Deborah Guarino 1.5 0.5
5509SP Jorge el curioso H.A. Rey 1.5 0.5
7576EN Julius Angela Johnson 1.5 0.5
7277EN Just Me and My Puppy Mercer Mayer 1.5 0.5
668EN Keep the Lights Burning, Abbie Peter & Connie Roo 1.5 1.0
10513SP Las buenas acciones de Clifford Norman Bridwell 1.5 0.5
9381EN Little Red Riding Hood Margaret Hillert 1.5 0.5
673EN Lucky Dog Days Judy Delton 1.5 1.0
9384EN The Magic Nutcracker Margaret Hillert 1.5 0.5
7284EN Me Too! Mercer Mayer 1.5 0.5
47740EN Meet Dinah Dinosaur B.G. Hennessy 1.5 0.5
45511EN Monkey Business David Martin 1.5 0.5
11179EN More Spaghetti, I Say! Rita Golden Gelman 1.5 0.5
5486EN Mother, Mother I Want Another Maria Polushkin 1.5 0.5
7335EN Mrs. Brice's Mice Syd Hoff 1.5 0.5
7234EN My New Boy Joan Phillips 1.5 0.5
679EN The One in the Middle...Kangaroo Judy Blume 1.5 1.0
7238EN Pumpkin Pumpkin Jeanne Titheringto 1.5 0.5
5538EN Ronald Morgan Goes to Bat Patricia Reilly Gi 1.5 0.5
9688EN Row, Row, Row Your Boat Joanne Oppenheim 1.5 0.5
6143EN Shortcut Donald Crews 1.5 0.5
9690EN The Show-and-Tell Frog Joanne Oppenheim 1.5 0.5
9389EN The Snow Baby Margaret Hillert 1.5 0.5
25274EN To Market, To Market Anne Miranda 1.5 0.5
11191EN Toad Eats Out Schade/Buller 1.5 0.5
6121SP ¿Tu mamá es una llama? Deborah Guarino 1.5 0.5
7245EN Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Bug Katherine Ross 1.5 0.5
11195EN The Wee Little Woman Byron Barton 1.5 0.5
9396EN What Is It? Margaret Hillert 1.5 0.5
7250EN Why Can't I Fly? Rita Gelman 1.5 0.5
9399EN The Witch Who Went for a Walk Margaret Hillert 1.5 0.5
9700EN You Are Much Too Small Betty Boegehold 1.5 0.5
5469SP El árbol generoso Shel Silverstein 1.6 0.5
6102EN Arthur Babysits Marc Brown 1.6 0.5
6102SP Arturo y los terribles gemelos Marc Brown 1.6 0.5
5208EN Bedtime for Frances Russell Hoban 1.6 0.5
6056EN Big Dog...Little Dog P.D. Eastman 1.6 0.5
6057EN Bigmama's Donald Crews 1.6 0.5
404EN The Boy Who Ate Dog Biscuits Betsy Sachs 1.6 1.0
7210EN Cave Boy Cathy Dubowski 1.6 0.5
409EN Curious George Flies a Kite Margret Rey 1.6 1.0
16976EN D.W. Flips Marc Brown 1.6 0.5
25266EN D.W.'s Lost Blankie Marc Brown 1.6 0.5
9658EN Do You Like Cats? Joanne Oppenheim 1.6 0.5
10516EN Doll Party Shirley Albert 1.6 0.5
6112EN Elmer Blunt's Open House Matt Novak 1.6 0.5
7561EN Feathers for Lunch Lois Ehlert 1.6 0.5
9366EN The Golden Goose Margaret Hillert 1.6 0.5
908EN If You Give a Mouse a Cookie Laura Joffe Numero 1.6 0.5
9375EN It's Halloween, Dear Dragon Margaret Hillert 1.6 0.5
7323EN Julius Syd Hoff 1.6 0.5
7227EN Just For You Mercer Mayer 1.6 0.5
7275EN Just Grandpa and Me Mercer Mayer 1.6 0.5
7327EN Little Chief Syd Hoff 1.6 0.5
9379EN The Little Cowboy and the Big Co Margaret Hillert 1.6 0.5
7337EN Oscar Otter Nathaniel Benchley 1.6 0.5
6056SP Perro grande...perro pequeño P.D. Eastman 1.6 0.5
9461SP Pinta ratones Ellen Stoll Walsh 1.6 0.5
7561SP Plumas para almorzar Lois Ehert 1.6 0.5
6088EN Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do Bill Martin 1.6 0.5
9388EN The Purple Pussycat Margaret Hillert 1.6 0.5
16867SP El Señor Conejo y el hermoso reg Charlotte Zolotow 1.6 0.5
5491EN Stone Soup Marcia Brown 1.6 0.5
5600EN Weeds and Wild Flowers Illa Podendorf 1.6 0.5
9698EN Where's Lulu? William Hooks 1.6 0.5
7249EN Who Will Be My Friends? Syd Hoff 1.6 0.5
9398EN Why We Have Thanksgiving Margaret Hillert 1.6 0.5
11200EN The Wrong-Way Rabbit Teddy Slater 1.6 0.5
9651EN Annie's Pet Barbara Brenner 1.7 0.5
5502EN Arthur's Tooth Marc Brown 1.7 0.5
5457EN At the Crossroads Rachel Isadora 1.7 0.5
658EN Blue Skies, French Fries Judy Delton 1.7 1.0
11161EN Bookstore Cat Cindy Wheeler 1.7 0.5
10515EN Clifford's Pals Norman Bridwell 1.7 0.5
19942EN Commander Toad and the Big Black Jane Yolen 1.7 0.5
19937EN Commander Toad and the Intergala Jane Yolen 1.7 0.5
9360EN The Cow That Got Her Wish Margaret Hillert 1.7 0.5
7212EN Curious George at the Beach Margret Rey 1.7 0.5
7213EN Curious George Visits the Zoo Margret Rey 1.7 0.5
6060SP Danielito y el dinosaurio Syd Hoff 1.7 0.5
6060EN Danny and the Dinosaur Syd Hoff 1.7 0.5
5466EN The Day Jimmy's Boa Ate the Wash Trinka Hakes Noble 1.7 0.5
6061EN Days With Frog and Toad Arnold Lobel 1.7 0.5
6061SP Días con Sapo y Sepo Arnold Lobel 1.7 0.5
7264EN Double-Header Gail Herman 1.7 0.5
9662EN Feed Me William Hooks 1.7 0.5
7316EN Grizzwold Syd Hoff 1.7 0.5
9569EN Growing Vegetable Soup Lois Ehlert 1.7 0.5
9367EN Happy Birthday, Dear Dragon Margaret Hillert 1.7 0.5
7222EN The Horse in Harry's Room Syd Hoff 1.7 0.5
5473EN I Have a Sister My Sister Is Dea Jeanne Peterson 1.7 0.5
9669EN I Love to Sneeze Ellen Schecter 1.7 0.5
5574EN Jungles Illa Podendorf 1.7 0.5
17536EN The Listening Walk Paul Showers 1.7 0.5
7580EN Mean Soup Betsy Everitt 1.7 0.5
9385EN Merry Christmas, Dear Dragon Margaret Hillert 1.7 0.5
8025EN Mortimer Robert Munsch 1.7 0.5
5236EN My Mom Made Me Go To Camp Judy Delton 1.7 0.5
5533EN The Pain and The Great One Judy Blume 1.7 0.5
7239EN Ready, Get Set Go! Stan/Jan Berenstai 1.7 0.5
18409SP El sandwich más grande del mundo Rita Golden Gelman 1.7 0.5
9569SP A sembrar sopa de verduras Lois Ehlert 1.7 0.5
9689EN She'll Be Coming Around The Moun Emily Coplon 1.7 0.5
8037EN Simon and His Boxes Gilles Tibo 1.7 0.5
8038EN Simon and the snowflakes Gilles Tibo 1.7 0.5
8039EN Simon and the Wind Gilles Tibo 1.7 0.5
8037SP Simón y las cajas Gilles Tibo 1.7 0.5
7343EN Small Pig Arnold Lobel 1.7 0.5
11190EN The Statue of Liberty Lucille Recht Penn 1.7 0.5
11194SP Vamos a cazar un oso Michael Rosen 1.7 0.5
11194EN We're Going On a Bear Hunt Michael Rosen 1.7 0.5
11153EN All Tutus Should Be Pink Sheri Brownrigg 1.8 0.5
5552EN Aquariums and Terrariums Ray Broekel 1.8 0.5
5506EN Blow Me a Kiss, Miss Lilly Nancy Carlstrom 1.8 0.5
405EN Camp Ghost-Away Judy Delton 1.8 1.0
6092SP Un día de nieve Ezra Jack Keats 1.8 0.5
17523EN Fox and His Friends Edward Marshall 1.8 0.5
7569EN Gilberto and the Wind Marie Ets 1.8 0.5
7569SP Gilberto y el viento Marie Hall Ets 1.8 0.5
6066EN The Gingerbread Man Karen Schmidt 1.8 0.5
5515EN Happy Birthday Moon Frank Asch 1.8 0.5
10521EN Hello, Two-Wheeler! Jane B. Mason 1.8 0.5
6070EN Henry and Mudge and the Bedtime Cynthia Rylant 1.8 0.5
5471EN Hooray for the Golly Sisters! Betsy Byars 1.8 0.5
7228EN Just Going to the Dentist Mercer Mayer 1.8 0.5
9380EN Little Puff Margaret Hillert 1.8 0.5
7329EN Little Runner of the Longhouse Betty Baker 1.8 0.5
6129EN Milton the Early Riser Robert Kraus 1.8 0.5
9676EN Moon Boy Barbara Brenner 1.8 0.5
7233EN Moving Day Cyndy Szekeres 1.8 0.5
938SP N-O es NO! Teddy Slater 1.8 0.5
11183EN N-O Spells No! Teddy Slater 1.8 0.5
5237EN Nate the Great and the Missing K Marjorie Sharmat 1.8 0.5
7287EN No Mail for Mitchell Catherine Siracusa 1.8 0.5
5583EN Oceans Katherine Jones Ca 1.8 0.5
7336EN Oliver Syd Hoff 1.8 0.5
17515SP El primer otoño de Clifford Norman Bridwell 1.8 0.5
8034EN Red is Best Kathy Stinson 1.8 0.5
8034SP El rojo es el mejor Kathy Stinson 1.8 0.5
14417SP Salta y brinca Ellen Stoll Walsh 1.8 0.5
7341EN Sammy the Seal Syd Hoff 1.8 0.5
10540EN Sheep Out to Eat Nancy Shaw 1.8 0.5
6092EN The Snowy Day Ezra Keats 1.8 0.5
10544EN Stan the Hot Dog Man Ethel/Leonard Kess 1.8 0.5
8043EN Thomas Knew There...Bathroom Beth Parker 1.8 0.5
5495EN Three Ducks Went Wandering Ron Roy 1.8 0.5
9694EN Too Many Mice Barbara Brenner 1.8 0.5
17518SP Los trucos de Clifford Norman Bridwell 1.8 0.5
9699EN Yoo Hoo, Moon! Mary Blocksma 1.8 0.5
5109EN Birds We Know Margaret Friskey 1.9 0.5
5211EN The Candy Corn Contest Patricia Reilly Gi 1.9 1.0
7192SP ¡Cerdos a montones, cerdos a gra David McPhail 1.9 0.5
10514SP Clifford y el Día de Pascua Norman Bridwell 1.9 0.5
19939EN Commander Toad and the Planet of Jane Yolen 1.9 0.5
5510EN Daniel's Dog Jo Ellen Bogart 1.9 0.5
7214EN Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs Byron Barton 1.9 0.5
9663EN The Fight Betty Boegehold 1.9 0.5
5125EN Fire Fighters Ray Broekel 1.9 0.5
6115EN The First Night of Hanukkah Nicki Weiss 1.9 0.5
7315EN Good Morning, Miss Gator Robert Kraus 1.9 0.5
7318EN Harold and the Purple Crayon Crockett Johnson 1.9 0.5
9666EN Hedgehog Bakes a Cake Maryann Macdonald 1.9 0.5
7572EN Henry and Mudge, The First Book Cynthia Rylant 1.9 0.5
7572SP Henry y Mudge, el primer libro d Cynthia Rylant 1.9 0.5
5470EN Hey! Get Off Our Train John Burningham 1.9 0.5
10523EN The Horrible Holidays Audrey Wood 1.9 0.5
13867EN How Big Is a Foot? Rolf Myller 1.9 0.5
6072EN If You Give a Moose a Muffin Laura Numeroff 1.9 0.5
5225EN In the Dinosaur's Paw Patricia Reilly Gi 1.9 1.0
5522SP Leo, el retoño tardío Robert Kraus 1.9 0.5
6125EN Little Toot Hardie Gramatky 1.9 0.5
28791SP Llaman a la puerta Pat Hutchins 1.9 0.5
6077EN Mama, Do You Love Me? Barbara M. Joosse 1.9 0.5
9573SP Mi primo y yo Gina/Mercer Mayer 1.9 0.5
8024EN Mom and Dad Don't Live Together Kathy Stinson 1.9 0.5
7332EN Morris Goes to School B. Wiseman 1.9 0.5
7582EN A Mother for Choo Keiko Kasza 1.9 0.5
8028EN My Dad Takes Care of Me Patricia Quinlan 1.9 0.5
5528EN My Visit to the Dinosaurs Aliki, 1.9 0.5
6078EN Never Spit on Your Shoes Denys Cazet 1.9 0.5
444EN Pickle Puss Patricia Reilly Gi 1.9 1.0
17516SP El primer Halloween de Clifford Norman Bridwell 1.9 0.5
9686EN Rabbit's Birthday Kite Maryann Macdonald 1.9 0.5
10539EN Samantha the Snob Kathryn Cristaldi 1.9 0.5
7342EN Scruffy Peggy Parish 1.9 0.5
6072SP Si le das un panecillo a un alce Laura Numeroff 1.9 0.5
5597EN Storms Ray Broekel 1.9 0.5
9390EN Take a Walk, Johnny Margaret Hillert 1.9 0.5
10545EN Three Sisters Audrey Wood 1.9 0.5
5246EN The Valentine Star Patricia Reilly Gi 1.9 1.0
8048EN What if the Bus Doesn't Come? Ginette Clarke 1.9 0.5
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