
My last week in heaven

(2007-03-22 23:14:49) 下一个
Today a friend of mine came to our compus for a business meeting.  He asked me and another friend to go out for a lunch.  We went to the East Buffet, had a lot of food and a lot of laughter.  My friend recalled our first buffet experience at the Luxor hotel in Las Vegas.  It is hard to believe that was more than ten years ago, when my friend just came to the States from Europe.  Prior to that night he had never had a buffet dinner before. I believe each of us made more than seven trips to the food counter. At the end, my friend brought back a plate of dessert. I think he had six different variety of cakes. After the six pieces of cakes, he swollowed another bowl of jello.  On the way back to the hotel room, he started feel sick and his face turned green.  That night he did not leave the hotel bathroom.....

Seven plates was my personal record.  It is so great to be young and not worry so much about everything. On our way back, my friend compared our compus to their compus. Both companies are German companies.  He thought their compus is typical of German engineering. While ours looks like a five star  hotel.  I have never thought about the connection of our compus and a five star hotel.  I often take a walk along the road that circles the company.  Walking around our compus is indeed a havenly experince.  There are a few two story buildings surrounded by trees. Wild flowers such as California poppies scatters along the hill side. The compus is about 55 acres, mostly covered by lawns. The main building overlooks San Pablo Bay.  And Building L overlooks a golf course.   Our company was elected the top 100 companies in the US for several years, not only because of its beautiful compus, but also its management, benefit and profit.

to be continued.

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