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英国记者威尔森(Dick Wilson)是香港《远东经济评论》(Far Eastern Economic Review)的编辑,当时去尼泊尔采访,在他1984年所著周恩来传记(Zhou Enlai, a Biography, Viking, 1984)中,描写了他跟周恩来的见面(p15-17)。在该书前言中,威尔森说,他到尼泊尔还有其它事,所以当中国代表团的新闻发布会改变地点的通知他没有接到,当他匆匆赶到新的会议厅的时候,记者招待会已经基本结束了。虽然这时已经过了午夜,周恩来还是同意给威尔森弥补一下他的损失。中国代表团已经出访几个星期了,当天早上就要回国,大家都很累了,要休息,还要整理行李,但是周恩来没有表现出不耐烦,或者是疲倦,而是专注地目视着威尔森,在近40分钟的时间里,向他概述了刚才记者会上的问题,等于是给威尔森单独又开了一次新闻发布会。中国代表团的其他成员,都站在周围等着快点结束,好去休息一会,再准备返程,有些人盯着威尔森的眼光不能说是非常友好的,连外长陈毅,也是重心从右脚移到左脚,再从左脚移到右脚,有些不耐烦。但是周恩来不是这样,他一直很有礼貌,很耐心。反而威尔森有些不好意思,只是问了些一般的问题,比如代表团的访问,对本地区国家与中国的关系有何改进,他以为总理会给他一个很笼统的回答,周恩来给出了详细的答复,分开谈了访问的每一个国家。威尔森自己都觉得差不多,可以结束了,周恩来还是侃侃而谈,似乎拥有全世界的时间。周恩来问,你去过中国吗?你知道蒙哥马利勋爵就要访问中国,你也想去吗?威尔森一下子心跳加速,过去一年半他一直想要进入中国都没成功,周恩来突然用英语说:“Welcome you。”还举起双手作了一个欢迎的姿势。其他代表团成员的表情是如释重负:“总算结束了!”事后,威尔森给周总理写了好几次信,却都没有收到回音,之后很久他才有机会访问中国。威尔森说,虽然如此,但是那次采访还是给他留下极深的印象,周恩来把注意力完全放在威尔森的问题上,没有任何的傲慢或优越感,如果不是他身上散发出来的政治威力(他手下对他的恭敬可以反映这一点),他的态度几乎可以说有些卑微。威尔森说,在他的记者生涯中,他有时也会有同样的感觉,比如采访肯尼迪,尼赫鲁,但是都没有周恩来给他的感觉那么强烈。周恩来遇到的每个人,几乎都会有这样的印象。周恩来体现了传统中国的那种温文尔雅,彬彬有礼,和谦逊。
He personified the old-world Chinese virtues of gentleness, politeness and humility,yet put them to work for a political ideology that invoked violence and destruction as a necessary part of its programme. And this is waht puzzled everyone about this urbane Premier. He spoke so softly, moved so meekly, and yet some of the things he said and did in order to give his country a swift passage from feudalism to modernity in one lifetime were cruel, militant, unforgiving. The man who breathed such sweet reasonableness at the Geneva Conference of 1954 or the Bandung Conference of 1955, was also the man who ordered the execution of innocent members of a traitor’s family, in order to deter others, and who approved the slaughter of millions of landlords and rural gentry in the first wave of the Communist revolution in the 1950s.
Zhou projected himself differently to different civilizations. Continental Europeans were uniformly impressed by his gifts and intelligence.....The Anglo-Saxons yielded up their hearts slightly differently, but gave them all the same.... And so there emerged the other view, of Zhou as “perhaps the best Communist of them all”, as “a much more resilient revolutionary, and a more dangerous long-term enemy to capitalism than the Chairman himself,” in Dennis Bloodworth’s words.