
Managerment skill 2:discipline and appraisal

(2006-05-24 19:28:15) 下一个

discipline and appraisal


When to discipline someone for poor performance
First of all, you need to consider whether you really have a disciplinary problem at all.
Catch problems early
If mistakes are repeated, and you feel the reason is because the person is not concerned enough to tackle the problem, this is the time to hold a discipline interview.
you should not allowd employee get into a bad habit, it may take time to break them out.

How to prepare for a discipline interview
1 Make sure you can produce evidence that the person's performance fell below standard.
2 Standard for the job

How to conduct the interview
1 Agree the gap exists
2 Analyse the reasons for the gap
3 Find a way to close the gap

Maintain the right tone:
Be calm
Get them to open up
Stick to facts
Don't be put off by tears
Focus on the problem, not person
Maintain confidentiality: never discuss anything that has gone on in a discipline interview with anyone who wasn't in the room.
Be consistent

Folloing up

Rule: give enough warning

Appraisal preparation:
What do you like the most about your job
What do you like least about it
What task or tasks do you consider you are best at in your job
And worst at
What have been your greatest successes in the last year
Why do you think they were so successful
And what have been your worst failures or mistakes
What do you think could have prevented them happening
Are there any areas of your job you are unclear about
Are there any areas you are unhappy about
Are there any areas where you feel you need more guidance or support
How do you feel you fit in to the team of people you work with
How would you like your career to develop over the next year
How would you like your career to develop over the next three to five years
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