当天晚上,尼克斯赢球了,还不是一般的赢,是赢了四十几分呢。可是,可是,一路地输,看了郁闷,没想那天这么地赢了还是郁闷——因为小林一直都郁郁寡欢的,怎么都觉得他心里有些伤痛。“what t he did for my career, I’m not going to forget what he did for me personally. It’s very emotional. I’m sad to see him go and I owe a lot to him.” 小林子赛后对媒体如是说,多懂得感恩的一个孩子呀。
nymoon20082012-03-22 09:32:03回复悄悄话
风中承诺, Here is the link to the Lin's articles in Wenxuexity. So many fans and fun stories are there.
thank you, nymoon.
谢谢你喜欢. 欢迎加入"大妈林粉团". 象纽约月亮说的, 文学城的"体育看台"论坛是林粉团的大本营了, 我现在天天在那潜水,不仅有关于小林的文章录像看, 还长了很多篮球知识, 所以才说是越来越超越"业余"粉丝呢. 你也去那看吧.