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"Dear Everyone,
I know there were people who knew someone that was there, or a friend of someone that was there and it effected us all somehow or other. Our kids are our future, and once they leave our front doors they rely on the outside for protection, and we hope in our hearts that our society will protect them, but then you have those individuals that have no interest in life and there is no protection from them. It was a terrible act of violence that occurred last week. There is little we can do, but we can do something - we can join together and offer solidarity to those that were injured physically and psychologically and for that beautiful girl that was killed.
I am asking you all to honor a day of tribute on Friday September 22nd, 2006, by wearing something pink. Lawrence will be making a donation to the Montreal Children’s Hospital, in honor of Anastasia DeSousa, in honor of all the other victims of the shooting, and in tribute and support to all the Dawson students trying to get ‘back to normal”. If anyone wishes to contribute to this please see me or make a donation on your own."
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