
Try to find a place where I can write something in English. In doing so, I hope I will give myself an opportunity to reflect on

what's the use of the face?

(2006-05-11 00:51:53) 下一个

My three-year old daughter asked me while I was surfing on the Internet "what's the use of the eyes? I answered halfheartedly " to watch, to observe" She tilted her head, thought for herself a few seconds, satisfied with the answers, and then continuted " what's the use of the mouth?" "to eat, to speak".

"what's the use of the chin?" This one was a little more complicated. It seemed like she was challenging me by raising the difficulty level. I deviated my eyes from the computer screen to her. It looked like she was trapped in this what-is-the-use circle and really enjoyed where she was. I didn't want to dampen her curiocity and started to explain how chins in my view should be part of the mouth and how mussels around were attached to chins to assist the mouth to fullfill its various functionalities.

It was when I was wondering how much of my explanation she understood, she tossed another what-is-the-use question at me"dadi, what is the use of the face?" Two answers flashed through my mind in a blink. Faces could be for decoration and maintainance, like her mom did so diligently day in and day out that she would not give herself a day off even when she was not well. Sensing the answer had a derogative connotation to her mom, I ruled it out, otherwise, there would be a slap on my face, which might be another use of faces. feeling stuck with two inappropriate answers which I couldn't give, I asked her "what do you think is the use of the face?" She answered "faces are the place in which the eyes, nose, and mouth are planted."   

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