• 没明白你的意思. 能说明白点吗? -采桑子- ♀ (0 bytes) (22 reads) 2006-06-22 |
• I mean -chicken- ♂ (275 bytes) (169 reads) 2006-06-22 That author didn't drive some people away forcefully but she just simply suggested that they leave. So, she has right to want that happen and suggest that, right? And of course on the other hand, certain readers have "right" to feel hurt and express it. |
• 我说过了, 既然是个邀约, 那么他/她这么做就很粗鲁 -采桑子- ♀ (42 bytes) (127 reads) 2006-06-22 是一种冒犯. 这个我后面还会再讲到的. |
• Not everybody wants to please -chicken- ♂ (1204 bytes) (155 reads) 2006-06-22 everybody. most of us would beg for our article being visited , clicked and bumped. She is not like that. She would talk to you first about some disagreements cause she wouldn't just simply ignore your attention to the article and effort of posting. And if that doesn't work out and it turns out that someone is just having a foreign thinking than her, she may recommend that person not to bother to come. If that one really didn't come, it would be just easier for both parties. At least, I guess. She would not get upset or be armed because you don't like her. She also would not accept everything of you just because you like her and make nice compliments. You can kiss her butt for a month but if you appear to be a person who enjoys passing on judgements to people and can't help lecturing on people, she may still not take you like a " ZhiSha". Take it easy, girl, you can very possibly change your mind or have a second thought concerning her personality once you meet her in real life. The web blocks a big part of our communications and makes a lot of misunderstandings. Keep being resentful toward someone won't make you any happier. |
• 请不要对号入座, 俺只是针对一种现象泛泛而言 -采桑子- ♀ (394 bytes) (120 reads) 2006-06-22 就比如你请了客人来家, 谈话中间因为客人一句话不入耳, 而人家也没什么恶意, 你就说: 我这里浅窄, 请你到宽阔的人家做客去吧. 试问一下: 客人是什么感受? 不能说因为主人是个什么性格, 就可以这么粗鲁地对待客人.因为这不是一个人的事情, 这是关系到另外一个人的感受. 如果不希望自己的博克被访问,可以设置成"隐藏", 免得人家兴致勃勃地闯进去, 大发感慨之余, 被粗鲁地对待. 你说我说的是不是这个理? |
• 到公园里游玩是没人会反对的 -寒枝- ♀ (312 bytes) (165 reads) 2006-06-22 只是如果在公园里违反了园规, 扰乱了公园的环境, 那园主绝对有理由请那人出园. 而且如果那人反复去骚扰, 园主本来就可以请警察帮忙了. 如果碰上一个温柔的园主, 每次都是好言相劝, 说你不喜欢我的园子就请下次不要来了, 要是非来不可, 就请不要在我的公园里再贴反对我的公园的大字报了, 那么我想那人如果讲道理的话就应当适可而止了. |
• 厚厚, 对啊. 请问园长会不会因为游人说一句: 这一处不好看 -采桑子- ♀ (66 bytes) (124 reads) 2006-06-22 就把别人赶走涅? 什么园长这么牛? 麻烦MM告诉我, 我去试试看... |
• hahaha -68245- (127 bytes) (101 reads) 2006-06-22 Haven't you already tried and met such an owner. Believe it and accept it as one element of life. Get over it and move on. |
• 偶是真想看看现实生活中有没有这种不讲理的园长... -采桑子- ♀ (37 bytes) (70 reads) 2006-06-22 说实话, 在国外, 大多数公园没有园长... |
• In real life -68245- (270 bytes) (82 reads) 2006-06-22 I encourage you go to private families and try that. I think however you are treated, good or bad, you can not say "Because someone else treated me better or 'reasonable', therefore I should be treated the same here." The rules in public domain does not apply here. |
• 在现实生活中, 我知道, 大家都必须对任何人彬彬有礼 -采桑子- ♀ (108 bytes) (76 reads) 2006-06-22 否则很可能得到一张律师函. 到目前为止, 我没有对任何人说, 你不要来我的博克. 即使有人对我说过类似的话... |
• 当地社区中心就是公园的园主. -BubbleToot- ♀ (131 bytes) (66 reads) 2006-06-22 社区中心制定的规矩你喜欢不喜欢都得服从,比如有的公园不允许搞“Petting Zoo”的 Birthday 生日,你如果硬要搞,被人告一状就可能被处罚。 |
• 要是您只是自己嘟囔一句这一处不好看, -寒枝- ♀ (145 bytes) (101 reads) 2006-06-23 也不会有人理啦. 但是如果您把自己背道而驰的意见涂抹在人家心爱的大树上, 甭管是谁也不会喜欢啦. 而且人家三番四次地好言相劝, 您怎么还越涂兴致越高了呢? |