
till the end

(2006-08-21 19:05:16) 下一个
last weekend i went to shore to meet my group of friends.....and one of my most current ex's best friend S had tag alone...for the ride....

since it was a nice day....we hit major traffic....and after some painful driving....we finally got there (S is a good company...made the commute to the shore a less painful experience)

meet up with my friends and my current ex.....had a BBQ for lunch and head out for the water park...... the line is a bit long...but i had a great time....we hit almost every major ride.....

i felt one of the girls like my ex....and my ex have good impression on her also....so i was keep asking myself...am i making a right decision to come here? cause everytime when the girl is being nice to my ex...she will always look at my reaction afterwards....  i want my ex to be happy....to move on.... to find a girl that is suitable for him and will make him happy.... 

ex is looking a lot better this time compare with last 2 times i saw him after we broke up...(he was sad....and depressed...and that made me heart broken....cause i feel i have hurt him a lot...and he didn't deserve any of this....) i was happy to see him in a better shape...

on the way back....i was listening to my favorite CD....singing alone with the songs.....and all of sudden....i felt my tears came down like someone had turn on the faucent....couldn't stop it.....

ex's best friend was sitting next to me.....i don't want anyone to see me tearing.....so i was just sit there....quietly...let my tears running down on my face....but when i heard the song 'till the end' ....i couldn't hold it any longer...i started crying very quitely....  and keep wishing the best for my ex....i really hope he will end up with a very nice girl...who can take good care of him.....make him laugh.... make him happy......

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