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财经观察之 1190 --- List of trading losses

(2008-01-25 22:20:51) 下一个

The following contains a list of trading losses which eventually forced major corporations to go bankrupt or restructure parts of their organisation[citation needed]. This list is not exhaustive. Due to the secretive nature of many hedge funds and fund managers, some notable losses may never be reported to the public. The list is ordered by the amount lost, starting with the greatest.

Name  ↓Amount Lost  ↓Citizenship  ↓Employer  ↓Source of Loss  ↓Year  ↓
Kerviel, JérômeJérôme Kerviel[1]US$7.1 billion  FranceSociété GénéraleEuropean Index futures2008
Hunter, BrianBrian Hunter[2]US$6.5 billion  CanadaAmaranth AdvisorsGas futures2006
Paretti, GiancarloGiancarlo Paretti[3]US$5.0 billion  ItalyCrédit LyonnaisLoans to Hollywood Studios1990
Meriwether, JohnJohn Meriwether[4]US$4.6 billion  United StatesLong Term Capital ManagementInterest Rate and Equity Derivatives1998
Hamanaka, YasuoYasuo HamanakaUS$2.6 billion  JapanSumitomo CorporationCopper futures1996
Flöttl, WolfgangWolfgang Flöttl, Helmut ElsnerUS$2.5 billion  AustriaBAWAGCurrency- and interest swaps2006
Citron, RobertRobert CitronUS$1.7 billion  United StatesOrange CountyInterest Rate Derivatives1994
Schimmelbusch, HeinzHeinz SchimmelbuschUS$1.6 billion  GermanyMetallgesellschaftOil Futures1993
Leeson, NickNick LeesonUS$1.4 billion  United KingdomBarings BankNikkei Futures1995
Iguchi, ToshihideToshihide Iguchi[5]US$1.1 billion  JapanDaiwa BankBonds1995
Lee, DavidDavid LeeUS$0.8 billion  United StatesBank of MontrealNatural Gas Options2007
Breuers, FriedhelmFriedhelm BreuersUS$0.8 billion  GermanyWestLBCommon and Preferred Shares2007
Rusnak, JohnJohn RusnakUS$0.7 billion  United StatesAllied Irish BankCurrency2002
Young, PeterPeter YoungUS$0.7 billion  United KingdomMorgan GrenfellShares1997
Jiulin, ChenChen JiulinUS$0.6 billion  ChinaChina Aviation OilOil Futures and Options2004
Goldstein, RamyRamy GoldsteinUS$0.5 billion United Bank of SwitzerlandGlobal Derivatives1998
Jett, JosephJoseph Jett[6]US$0.4 billion  United StatesKidder PeabodyGovernment Bonds1994
Askin, DavidDavid AskinUS$0.4 billion  United StatesAskin Capital ManagementMortgage-Backed Securities1994
Berger, MichaelMichael Berger[7]US$0.4 billion  United StatesManhattan Investment FundShort IT stocks during the internet bubble2000
Kulterer, WolfgangWolfgang Kulterer[8]US$0.4 billion  AustriaHypo Group Alpe AdriaCurrency Trading2004
(not disclosed)US$0.4 billion Dexia BankCorporate Bonds2001
Bierbaum, Richard "Chip" Richard "Chip" Bierbaum[9]US$0.35 billion  United StatesCalyonCredit Indices2007
Duffy, LukeLuke Duffy[10]US$0.3 billion  AustraliaNational Australia BankCurrency2004
Qibing, LiuLiu Qibing[11]US$0.2 billion  ChinaState Reserves BureauCopper Futures2005
Rubin, Howard A.Howard A. Rubin[12]US$0.25 billion  United StatesMerrill LynchMortgages (IOs and POs) Trading1987
Mains, RaymondRaymond Mains[13]US$0.2 billion  United StatesProcter & GambleInterest Rate Derivatives1994
Papouis, KyriacosKyriacos Papouis[14]US$0.2 billion  United KingdomNatWestInterest Rate Options1997
Nodilo, EduardEduard Nodilo[15]US$0.1 billion  CroatiaRiječka banka (Rijeka Bank)Foreign Exchange Trading2002


  1. ^ Schwartz, Nelson D. (2008-01-25). A Spiral of Losses by a ‘Plain Vanilla’ Trader. The New York Times. Retrieved on 2008-01-25.
  2. ^ Fund Accused of Manipulating Gas Markets, New York Times, 2007-07-26. Retrieved 2008-01-24
  3. ^ For France, 'an American Defeat', New York Times, 2003-09-25. Retrieved 2008-01-24
  4. ^ UPHEAVAL AT SALOMON; Salomon Is Punished by Treasury, Which Partly Relents Hours Later, New York Times, 1991-08-19. Retrieved 2008-01-24
  5. ^ An Unusual Path to Big-Time Trading, New York Times, September 27, 1995. Retrieved 2008-01-24
  6. ^ In the Matter of Orlando Joseph Jett, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, March 5, 2004
  7. ^ The Bankruptcy Development That Has Wall St. Worried, New York Times, 2007-02-23. Retrieved 2008-01-24
  8. ^ Banking: Watchdogs caught napping, Financial Times, 2007-10-29. Retrieved 2008-01-24
  9. ^ Calyon trader fired over big losses says he is not a rogue, International Herald Tribune, 2007-10-11. Retrieved 2008-01-24
  10. ^ Former NAB trader pleads guilty, International Herald Tribune, 2005-03-23. Retrieved 2008-01-24
  11. ^ City gripped by mystery of the phantom copper dealer, The Times, 2005-11-15. Retrieved 2008-01-24
  12. ^ Anatomy of a Staggering Loss, New York Times, 1987-05-11, Retrieved 2008-01-24
  13. ^ Procter & Gamble's Tale of Derivatives Woe, International Herald Tribune, 1994-04-14. Retrieved 2008-01-24
  14. ^ SFO probes NatWest black hole, Daily Telegraph, 1997-06-27. Retrieved 2008-01-24
  15. ^ Croat trader puts bank in £70m crisis, Daily Telegraph, 2003-03-24. Retrieved 2008-01-24
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