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(2009-08-28 08:26:23) 下一个
The Real Ted Kennedy

by Michael Savage

The leftist media in this country has erupted in tributes to Ted Kennedy. Democrats praise him. Republicans praise him. Liberals praise him, conservatives praise him. And while we mourn when a man dies, does that mean that all criticism must stop? Does a man who spent his entire political life destroying the fundamental tenets of American morality become miraculously rehabilitated on his passing? Do conservatives stop being conservatives when such a man dies?

No! And yet it seems that the Republicans in Congress have forgotten what Ted Kennedy did to our borders. Too many so-called conservative commentators have forgotten what Ted Kennedy did to our language. Too many fawning media lackeys have forgotten that Ted Kennedy succeeded in nearly destroying our culture.

We cannot forget that he opened the borders as early as 1965. We cannot forget that he voted to destroy the flag and destroy traditional marriage. We cannot forget in spite of his death, that he voted for late-term abortion – i.e., infanticide. We can't forget that…

He voted no on a constitutional ban on flag desecration.

He voted no on a constitutional ban of same-sex marriage.

He voted yes on adding sexual orientation to the definition of hate crimes.

He voted no on banning affirmative action hiring with federal funds.

He voted yes on allowing illegals to participate in Social Security.
We cannot forget what he has done to our country.

And so now the Soros-run media sets on anyone who dares disclose the truth about Ted Kennedy. As in a Soviet show trial, persecution falls on anyone who refuses to take the party line that the great lying lion of the left must be praised. We will not be silenced. Silence is death. Speak the truth about Ted Kennedy. Americans must know his reckless record of destructive social engineering.

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