To Whom It May Concern:
It is so obvious that all media in the Western world are so biased against China and Chinese people, that you have no brain to understand the history and no courage to tell the truth.
When there were thousands of pro-China and pro-Olympic demonstrators showed their supports towards a peaceful torch carrying relay in San Francisco, all you cared and covered was the noise from a small group of pro-Tibet independence people who violated the law by climbing the Golden Gate Bridge and mocked the spirit of Olympic in the name of freedom.
In your coverage, you intentionally mislabeled the pro-China and pro-Olympic supporters as "protesters".
When Dalai Lama said he supported Olympic game in Beijing all the way, you only reported his second part of the statement that no one can tell the pro-Tibet demonstrators to shut up.
No wonder the first thing that Chinese government did when the riots stared in Lhasa was to kick you out.
Let’s set the facts straight once for all:
1. Tibet is part of China for thousands years, Tibetan people ARE Chinese people. When they travel abroad, they carry Chinese passport. Even Dalai Lama himself has said it so many times that Tibet is part of China . If Dalai Lama admits himself that he is a Chinese, what is your problem?
2. We all have seen what happened in London and Paris. Those so called “peaceful demonstrators for the freedom of Tibet” acted exactly like terrorists. They fought against local law enforcements and attacked athletes who carried the torch, including a girl who was sitting on a wheelchair. What makes you think that those monks in Lhasa were just peacefully expressing their freedom of speech? Those are the same terrorist typed people who started the riots, are your media people just blind or you don’t dare to report the truth?
3. It is wrong to associate politics with Olympic. Those dirty politicians want to have their hands on anything they can touch to show the world that they are actually decent and caring advocates of human rights. Let me ask you a question: What about the right of athletes around the world who have worked so hard to represent their countries in Beijing and earn the medals of their dreams and be proud for the rest of their life? What about the rights of 1.3 billion Chinese people to witness the biggest sport event in the history of China, and be proud to be part of it by embracing the world ?
Further more, when you say "Free Tibet", how exactly are you planning to liberate a Chinese land from China? Are you going to send your troops to China? Are you willing to go nuclear war with China?
It is time for you left-wing media liberals to tell the truth as it is.
Misleading your readers and audiences will only lead you to the bottom of the sea of ignorance. One day, you will find that no one will read your papers or watch your TV programs any more, not because you have nothing to offer, but because you have been offering nonsense to us and forcing your garbage down our throats!
Enough is enough!!!
你的比喻不恰当。我可以说,那些从不着家的人,那些把餐馆和旅馆当成家的人,是没有资格称自己是family man的。
你的比喻不恰当。我可以说,那些从不着家的人,那些把餐馆和旅馆当成家的人,是没有资格称自己是family man的。
I have to apologize to you, since I did not really read your articles in your blog and misunderstood you. Just as you wish, I hope that there is a real bonding built between Tibet and China based on the mutual respect of their cultures.
“那些从不着家的人,那些把餐馆和旅馆当成家的人“。 你说的那种人极有可能是某些反华分子,藏独之类的:) , 或者是因为贪污腐败或者犯罪再也不敢回国的人。 大部分从国内出国在海外奋斗的华人,即使决定在国外定居,也是愿意为祖国尽一份力的。
如果你是在大陆生活过的人的话,你应该明白这一点。 但是如果你来自于港奥台,那也许你不知道这一点,不过相信我们这些大陆出来的人给你的真实的阐述。
另外,对于你的评价,我加一句, 被你称为“没有资格称自己是family man“的那一类人至少懂得什么叫知恩图报,什么叫养育之恩, 我想就凭这一点他们至少比那些只为自己的个人利益着想的人要好很多,你说是吧? :)
你的比喻不恰当。我可以说,那些从不着家的人,那些把餐馆和旅馆当成家的人,是没有资格称自己是family man的。
啊,我道歉,我搞错了丑陋的人的意思,他的意思应该是:如果你到馆子吃饭了,就表明你不爱家了, 或者说不准提爱家!如果你又上馆子又说爱家,那你以后就不许上馆子了。对吗?丑兄?我帮你骂醒这些不明白的人。
I have to apologize to you, since I did not really read your articles in your blog and misunderstood you. Just as you wish, I hope that there is a real bonding built between Tibet and China based on the mutual respect of their cultures.
I am not lecturing you...
I can not tell any of your "deep understanding" from your replies. If you would not mind, I still want to share my opinion one more time: The way to change the view of the west on Tibet issue is to fully open Tibet to them and let Tibetan people talk about Tibet freely. If Tibetan people have really forgiven the things communist party has done to them and been satisfied with their situations, then who can make an "unhappy Tibet".
I have no idea what you are trying to say. As I said, you don't get it and you are not going to get it.
If you have better way to denounce the biased reports from the media against China and Chinese people. go ahead and do it. Don't waste time here and please don't ask others not to fight back simply you don't think it is going to work.
You are very weak, please keep it to yourself.
What is "protection letter" anyway?
No time nor interest to educate you any more since you will never get it. Please don't lecture me for I know way more and deeper than you can imagine.
Enjoy your Sunday.
你的比喻不恰当。我可以说,那些从不着家的人,那些把餐馆和旅馆当成家的人,是没有资格称自己是family man的。
啊,我道歉,我搞错了丑陋的人的意思,他的意思应该是:如果你到馆子吃饭了,就表明你不爱家了, 或者说不准提爱家!如果你又上馆子又说爱家,那你以后就不许上馆子了。对吗?丑兄?我帮你骂醒这些不明白的人。
Unfortunately, I learned about Tibet not from either of the media you mentioned such as CNN/BBC/..... and certainly also not from CCTV. In here, you can approach the truth if you want. Many resources can be easily used in USA. You can also talk to people with different backgrounds and from different countries. You even can talk to Tibetant people freely. Why you think I have to know Tibet from media?
Also do not exaggerate the media that much. In USA, they just play their roles. If they always just lie, then nobody is going to believe them. Think about FaLun, who is going to believe them now. American is not foolish. They just have their own opinions and own ways to learn and explain things.
In China, we never experience a multi-national or political environment. We take all the things happened around us as granted and never image other ways of living. Up to now, I still can not understand much about people's feeling of religion. But I learn to respect it.
I don't think any protection letter is going to be much useful. People will not buy it, unless you can convince people by the truly learning from both sides.
And apparently, a critical thing for American people to know and understand Tibet issue is to reopen Tibet to the whole world. And let people freely speak about Tibet not in USA and also in China. Only through this, a peaceful platform can be built and a permanent solution may be found.
No matter what, forcing people to accept other people's idea is no use. It may be OK in a hundred year ago, but not valid in nowadays and especially in USA.
豆瓣,反思,看你们能写几句中文,应该是中国的"狗"吧? 你主人没给你们上个嘴套?
哦,还有那个JWAYNE_1, 你一定是在CNN工作的吧? 呵呵.
致所有的中国人 (那些忘记祖宗,忘记自己血管里流的是什么血液的孙子,你们不用看)
一, 奥运,本是一项无国界,无宗教的人类的和平体育盛事, 对于那些为了自己的目的,要给这个盛事强行加上政治目的,想破坏这个盛事的人, 我们应该说什么?!
二, 西藏是中国的领土的历史,比某些西方国家的整个国家的历史还久,这一点谁都无法否认! 你可以不喜欢中国的某个政党,但你不能伤害你的祖国. 请分清,党,并不等与国家. 不喜欢某个政党,并不能成为你卖国的理由,知道那叫什么吗? 卖国贼! 即便是你要去投靠的那一方里,这仍然是你的名字!!!
请,所有的黄皮肤,黑眼睛的华人,不论你是台湾人,香港人,大陆人,还是外籍华人,让我们暂时放下政见之争, 奥运就是奥运, 与政治无关; 西藏就是中国的一部分, 不管是在哪个政党的管理下! 任何人,不能把我们的祖国分裂!
You may never get it because you choose to see the world as the media report.
You don't want to fight back when someone attacks you because you may think the reason you have been attacked is that you must have done something wrong to deserve it. Don't tell me I am wrong about that, some Chinese people think that way. It is part of our culture and it roots in mind of someone like you.
If you really want to know my opinions on the issue of Tibet and Dalai Lama, as well as my suggestion what Chinese government should do towards them, please read my other writings in my blog. My thinking is way deeper than you thought it was.
After that, please read the following in this beautiful sunday morning, and think again what you said and try to understand what is really going on in this
media world.
Suggestion: Turn off CNN/ABC/NBC/CNN/BBC.
There is no greater power in the world today than that wielded by the manipulators of public opinion in America. No king or pope of old, no conquering general or high priest ever disposed of a power even remotely approaching that of the few dozen men who control America's mass news and entertainment media.
Their power is not distant and impersonal; it reaches into every home in America, and it works its will during nearly every waking hour. It is the power that shapes and molds the mind of virtually every citizen, young or old, rich or poor, simple or sophisticated.
The mass media form for us our image of the world and then tell us what to think about that image. Essentially everything we know -- or think we know -- about events outside of our own neighborhood or circle of acquaintances comes to us via our daily newspaper, our weekly news magazine, our radio, or our television. It is not just the heavy-handed suppression of certain news stories from our newspapers or the blatant propagandizing of history-distorting TV 'docudramas' that characterizes the opinion-manipulating techniques of the media masters. They exercise both subtlety and thoroughness in their management of the news and the entertainment that they present to us.
For example, the way in which the news is covered: which items are emphasized and which are played down, the reporter's choice of words, tone of voice, and facial expressions; the wording of headlines; the choice of illustrations -- all of these things subliminally and yet profoundly affect the way in which we interpret what we see or hear.
On top of this, of course, the columnists and editors remove any remaining doubt from our minds as to just what we are to think about it all. Employing carefully developed psychological techniques, they guide our thought and opinion so that we can be in tune with the "in" crowd, the "beautiful people", the "smart money". They let us know exactly what our attitudes should be toward various types of people and behavior by placing those people or that behavior in the context of a TV drama or situation comedy and having the other TV characters react to them in the Politically Correct way."
啊,我道歉,我搞错了丑陋的人的意思,他的意思应该是:如果你到馆子吃饭了,就表明你不爱家了, 或者说不准提爱家!如果你又上馆子又说爱家,那你以后就不许上馆子了。对吗?丑兄?我帮你骂醒这些不明白的人。
你生活在一个大家庭, 兄弟,父子之间难免有矛盾, 你们之间吵架,打闹,别人都不会说什么.
可是如果有一天, 你爸爸办七十大寿,或者你兄弟娶媳妇, 你家的恶邻却乘机羞辱你爸或你弟媳妇, 你不和你的兄弟们抄家伙一起上, 却还在数落你弟欠了你几块钱, 你爸打过你几巴掌, 帮你的恶邻说话,我们不得不怀疑你是不是这家人,是不是杂种.
不过十几亿中国人里出几个杂种也不足为奇, 罢了罢了, 就容留这几个杂种在这里狂吠几声吧, 也显得我们宽容一些.
You have simplified western media too much.
Western media almost never like to report good things about the governments. The reason is simple. The government has been very strong. Those media always stand with the weaker side. I think that is just a human nature.
If you think western doesn't support china just because they do not know so called "the truth of Tibet". Then you are totally wrong. American support Tibet just because Tibet issue touched their bottom line: freedom and human rights.
Judging from your article, I don't think you know Tibet more than American people. Read the history and make judgment based on your science. However, if you want to be a politician, then I have no more comment.
Community party has killed many Tibetan in the war of 1959, kicked away their leader, destroyed many monasteries, and sent monks into jails during culture revolution... Even now communist party still suppress the religion freedom in Tibet... Communist party never says a word of sorry to Tibetan people. We Chinese have to suffer all the bad things done by this party.
Yes, we can send protesting letter to the western media. But we should also send this letter to China government!!! It is our government suppressing us, but not western or its media!!!
丑陋的人, 请搞清楚以下几个问题:
1)在美国生活不等于就不爱中国, 不等于就不能为真理和正义而和虚假的东西作斗争
3)一味的退让只会让西方世界认为你软弱怕事, 你这样是得不到西方人的真正尊重的, 按照他们的说法, 西方人真正尊重的是民主和自由,事实和真理。
1/ 为了它的全球战略,美国时刻都要有一个假想的敌人。而假想敌人的产生,正是政府从民众反感的国家中选出。不幸的是,共产党中国被选中了。西方国家民中反感共产党中国,并不等于反感中国人民。就像他们反感纳粹德国,而不反感德国人民一样。没有必要渴望他人怕中国。连印尼这样的小国都不怕,谈何美国呢?
2/ 我们也不要指望强大的共产党中国会为海外华人撑腰。因为敬爱的周总理早就说过,“嫁出去的女儿,泼出去的水。”这一点,外国人比我们清楚。共产党政府所关心的只有一个,那就是如何维持它的统治。
3/ 我支持海外华人为了自身的利益和权利而斗争。但我同时认为,斗争可以赢得权益,但赢得不了尊重和爱。美国黑人的例子正是很好的说明。
4/ 我坚信祖国会更加美好。但是,在继续坚持党的领导的前提下,你我这辈子是看不到这一天的到来的。
他们的 email: reports@wsj.com
I am a Wall Street subscriber and feel extremely uncomfortable with WSJ's misleading reports on Beijing's Olympics past weeks.
In fact I was an avid participant in 1989's student demonstration. We at that time called democracy in China. Now as time went by for nearly twenty years, we realized how ignorannt we were at that time, given that China needs its own type of hwakish-central government when it is engaging in economic reform. Economic success is the foundation for so-called western democracy. Without success in economy, democracy is meaningless: some so-called democrat countries are still in povernty.
But some western countries, noticibly, USA , are trying to damage a poor countries' economic success by trying to seperate this emerging country into smaller pieces, thus controlling the whole world.
We all are educated in business school that moloply in an industry does not benefit development of this industry. In the same token, politic moloply will eangender the world. The world will be better off with muilti dominant players.
Stop tarnishing emerging China and you should report more on how China engages its economic reform and how other ermerging countries can share their economic reform lesson each other. Stop misleading your readers with your ignorance, or your own agenda by losing fairness of journalism. You cannot win Pulitzer Prize by misleading reports; otherwise, Pulitzer prize is just a joke!!
Gary J.
As one of Chinese and Chinese publishers, I must protest BBC's shameless behavior in the report concerning Olympic Games torch transmission. Everyone on the spot has saw that Chinese supporting Olympic Games was far more than those shameless hoodlum who buys the drunk, but in the BBC report it seems that there are full of troublemakers at the performance, who are grasped on the scene by police at last. They even never know where Tibet lies! Tibet belongs to China since 700-800 years ago, when the united kingdom and London city even did't exist! The Tibet issue resources from India's seizure by England. BBC is not an angel, otherwise when the snow disaster happened in China, he should deliver something to eat to Guizhou. BBC is not police, otherwise he should have a look at the Iraqi to see how many peoples are killed. BBC is not judge, otherwise he should sentence Tony to deceit and war crime, because he declared before all of Chinese people in the Tsinghua University that some of the weapons which he had not found for ever in Iraq, will be used to attack the American, perhaps also including the English, but except the Franchman and German. I may predict that the times when several T-shirt orders can buy the Chinese and several sounds made by the artilleries can conquer Chinese, will never come back again!
请问 ‘境外' 同志, 您还有正确的逻辑思维能力吗?
我看了您的‘高论‘ 我实在是忍不住了。
您的高论, “西方不是十全十美,但它提供一个自由发表言论的平台“
是的, 中国是还在很多地方有不足, 尤其在媒体方面还没有能做到公开民主。但是任何事物的发展都还需要一个过程。 我承认在以前别的有些事件中也许大陆媒体报道不太民主,不太有包容天下的气度去让反派的人去表达意愿, 但是这一次在西藏骚乱和奥运圣火的活动中象西方媒体这样歪曲事实的所谓"自由发表言论"的作法难道值得提倡!!! 一个说谎的人有权利去"自由发表言论",但是它的言论都是Nonsense. 一个普通人象这样不明事理的不管事实的狂吠几下没有关系,因为大家会当他是偏执狂,是疯子, 但是作为一个新闻媒体这样Nonsense 就值得地球上所有有良知讲道理的公民(包括所有西方正直的人)的批判。 因为媒体是承担来向所有其他没有机会了解事实真相的人传播信息的责任, 如果这时候它们去带有有色眼镜,去歪曲事实,那么这时候它们就应该被唾弃,被批判。因为这时候它侵犯了所有不明真相的人的权利:了解事实的权利。 如果这时候还有人打着所谓自由言论的调调去为这些西方媒体唱赞歌,那我只能对此人思考问题的方式表示担忧 。
我觉得一个正直, 明事理的人应该是这样:不会一边倒的站在那个政府的一边,而是作为一个独立的有着自己判断力的个体,去尊重事实, 去追求人世间真善美的东西。
在这次西藏骚乱和奥运圣火的活动中,确确实实暴露出西方媒体的虚伪和西藏独立分子的暴力倾向, 我敬请楼上的 “境外“和“丑陋的人“ 同志 擦亮双眼,重新思考一下自己想问题的方式。 祝你们早日找到寻求真理的正确方式。 :)
强烈建议,所有在海外的留学生们, 请将“文学城网友给西方媒体的一封公开信”这篇文章贴在西方人常去的BBS上, 我们有义务向那些不明真相,但是却被他们自己国家媒体歪曲报道引向歧途的外国人传达事实。 我相信大多数西方人都是正直善良,有良知讲道理的人, 只有让他们了解事实真相,才是最重要的事情。 而那些西方的媒体, 让我们shame on them . 它们的所作所为,总有一天会水落石出的。
请英语不是主流语言国家的留学生们, 将“文学城网友给西方媒体的一封公开信”这篇文章翻译成当地语言, 并且帖在各个常见的西方论坛, 去向所有不同国家的西方人去传达事实真相。
最后,作为一个生活在海外的中国人,我希望大家(包括国内国外的)能够团结起来,停止谩骂,用我们的实际行动去表达自己心中的愤慨, 去维护祖国的尊严和奥林匹克的神圣!!!
让我们用勇敢坚强的心去为正义和真理摇旗呐喊。 也希望将来我们海外华人在自己有足够能力的时候,能够把西方优秀的东西引进到中国,去改变提高中国一些不尽如人意的地方,让自己的祖国母亲更加完美,更加繁荣昌盛!!!
PS: (附件)
“境外“ 高论:
点评:看样子“境外“同志也知道这一次在西藏骚乱和奥运圣火的活动西方不是十全十美,你还有救 :)因为你还有良知。
不过你对别人发表言论的自由采取“你既然那么喜欢国内,为什么不滚回去“的谩骂方式, 您对别人发表言论自由的权利不尊重,看来肝火过剩,建议你进补清热消火的绿豆汤, 祝你早日恢复健康。
“丑陋的人” 的高论
点评: 不要因为自己生活在美国的土地上,就丧失了作为一个正常人应该具有的勇敢,正直和追求真理的品德。 既然美国是一个民主的文明社会,对于不平的事情,我们就有责任有义务去勇敢的表达自己的意愿和想法。 我恰恰认为 印尼的侨民畏首畏脑的状态 就是因为象你这样的人太多了。 我强烈建议你: 每日服用益精壮胆大补丸,祝你早日寻找回勇敢坚强的内心。
刚刚写完这封信,正准备发表, 又发现“渴望盛事”的高论,看样子海外华人还真是,什么样思考问题方式的人都有。继续点评:
点评: 我认为“渴望盛事“的观点值得深思,至少给我们以启迪。 为什么这一次这么多西方媒体一致诬蔑中国。我认为西方媒体政客对中国的偏见决不是一天两天形成的。 而是长期以来意识形态对立造成的,这一次只是他们利用西藏和奥运的机会来表达他们的不满。 它们对中国的强大一直心怀敌意。 另一方面,中国内部存在的各种问题,比如说媒体不开放,官僚体制急需改进,国民道德素质值得提高 这些都是我们这些海外华人应该认识到的问题, 我希望我们祖国能够在这些地方尽快提高。 但是作为海外华人,特别是小时候生活在中国的留学生,我们应该深深理解中国是从百年前饱受屈辱的年代,从一穷二白的旧社会开始一步步摸索着才走到今天,对于今天已经成长强大的中国来说,这已经是非常不容易了, 我们祖国需要时间去提高完善。 如果在这个时候,我们海外华人不去爱护自己的祖国母亲,不去向那些歪曲事实的人作斗争,那我们又有何面目去说自己来自于中国! 在这个时候,祖国母亲最需要我们这些有良知的海外华人的支持!!!
You did an excellent job!~~~ Proud for you as a great Chinese man!
联系人:Prof.Dr.med.Zhang 0034-628-639-199 或bxz2000博客留言。
YOU ARE NOTHIN!!!!!!你也就是一个纳粹,你找死.你以为我会气吗,,我只是知道,你是个白痴.
Stay away from my comments, they are for human beings only.
It is time for you left-wing media liberals ...
NOSO, you must be working for rash l. or newt g. but please, do not utilize the tibet incidence.
纵观 历史上每次发生的排华事件,都是华人遭殃, 被杀被抢被强奸被驱逐,我们的大陆政府有力量去伸手吗?他们出来 隔岸发出几声微弱的抗议外,还能做什么?
再看看老牌欧洲殖民地宗主国家,他们的侨民 所在的 前殖民地国家 发生什么骚乱,别人又是派部队保护侨民,又是派飞机撤退的。
Barack Obama:
John McCain:
Also thanks goldeye for all the links to media!!
出来几年,在国外见到许多瞧不起中国的中国人。每次听到这些人贬低中国的无稽之谈,我都会据理力争!真不明白这些人为什么总是用在国外看到的,同国内的自己不知道的或never ever在国内存在的做对比!也许只有这样安慰自己,才不会觉得后悔出国!其实,这恰恰表明了她(他)们在内心深处已经承认了如今中国的强大!
这次火炬传递闹得好, 让所有的中国人认清了西方人的邪恶本质,重新凝聚我们的民族向心力, 对我们的文化也更加自信 - 过去的五千年我们领先了四千八百年, 我们有信心以此为契机, 再领先他们几千年, 最好把这群豺狼挑教成人.
问题的关键在于西方媒体自称是公正,中立, 自由, 但他们干的勾当确不可告人! 用句中国古话就是即要当表子还要立贞节牌坊!
中国现在真正需要什么, 你知道吗? 西方标榜的自由,民主和人权对于现在的中国一定好吗??? 如果你还没得老年痴呆症并且还有一颗爱中国的心,你应该想得清楚!
一个强大的中国,一个崛起的世界的一极,能对世界事务有话事权的,能够妨碍到西方国家这些既得利益者的中国才是他们害怕的。物镜天择,你说的那些小国家能有多大的本事左右世界, 小日本二战的惨败你不知道么?谁能把日本韩国当回事。海外的国人应该清醒一下了。
有说服力,如果小将们要去CNN示威反对媒体偏见,我也没意见,但希望小将们同时署名向CCP 写封信要求解除媒体封锁“
〉本人在香港不需要向中宣部请示, 也不是ccp. 一看你就是受到文革迫害的,满脑子文革词汇和对ccp的仇视。人无论是谁都要爱国,无论国家对你如何,否则你只不过是一条丧家之犬而已。
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有说服力,如果小将们要去CNN示威反对媒体偏见,我也没意见,但希望小将们同时署名向CCP 写封信要求解除媒体封锁
你可真是个250啊, 即不了解西方政治社会, 也不了解中国。 你那么想要西方人喜
欢你吗??? 对不起, 你会很失望的, 他们永远不会的, 看看日本吧! 日本
完全照搬西方的制度,是美国的干孙子, 你以为现在西方人喜欢日本吗??? 根
据你的智商,我看你干脆做个整容得了, 把自己变成一个西方人。 俗话说, 中国
I think 白桦林 is really speaking the truth here.
While this kind of open letter by noso is well-justified and deserve our support. We must also realize that other than making us 'feel good' it's practical impact is close to nothing even if everyone working for CNN, everyone in congress gets a copy.
Transfer that energy into helping our country get even stronger, reflect on some of the issues that indeed exists, like human rights and look forward to a even stronger China!
Don't know if it will be helpful. But with enough voices, we can make it the top comments on CNN!
应说 感谢!!! 如他们不这样表演, 何知其本来面目?
你说shame, 不如感谢更真正地叫他后悔。
我怎么听你的话说颠倒了啊?好像法国还有社会主义党呢,不要用主义来掩盖,他们是怕中国强大。如果共产党政府领导我们强大,我们就要共产党。不用拿纳粹来吓唬人。CNN早就玩这一套了,不用你帮忙。我们的国旗就是红的,不习惯吗?会习惯的――当中国强大时。害怕吗,怕也白搭,红旗要一次次的飘扬。事实上,中国人就是喜欢红色的喜庆,红色是中国的传统,我们不会因为反动派看不惯就用蓝色过春节。NO,NO WAY.
让我们海外炎黄子孙联合所有支持中国领土完整和北京奥运会人士一起, 向西方媒体对大众的误导, 提出我们严正的抗议!
"红色是血淋淋的一样血腥。 在北美以及西方社会, 你还是少拿着五星红旗到处张扬"
得亏你是"我信故我在",而非实实在在! 最好你到商店里大街上转转去,红颜色是经年不衰,在世界范围内流行的色调,不分男女老少.很多人都有那么一件两件红衣服,不信就回去查查你的衣柜 - 你信不信有红衣服的人都嗜血?
fraudulence news rapes the human rights
irresponsible media to strangle the freedom
欺骗性的新闻强奸人权 不负责的媒体扼杀自由
i am wondering if you mind if i post your letter on CNN?
Sadly our country is too soft, so the westerners step on us easily... Why don't our government stand up for us?what can China do when Chinese director groups family and children r all US&EU 人质 ...
It makes much more noise if we can send letter to them individually from each reader. Comments here are reviewed only by Chinese. We should make our voice heard outside. It is not very useful to comment only here inside wenxuecity. Think about it, if a person receives over millions of emails or faxes from individual regular people, not spam, what a strong message it carries.
In this country, whoever makes more noise receives more respect, not the other way around.
It makes much more noise if we can send this letter to them individually from each reader. Comments here are reviewed only by Chinese. We should make our voice heard outside. It is not very useful to comments here inside wenxuecity.
奥运火炬的到来,海外华人热血沸腾, 奔走相告,红旗招展, 在这里无忧要提醒朋友们的是。北美大地, 红旗飘扬, 你不是帮助中国大陆, 你是在破坏中国大陆近几年改革开放的成果, 对中国大陆在北美以及西方社会的形象有着极大的破坏性。
其实, 北美以及西方社会的人民及政府并不是怎么反感中国人民, 甚至怎么反感近期来的中国政府, 好多人都觉得中国人民在醒悟,中国政府在进步。他们反感的是那个社会制度, 那个政治体系,因为社会主义在这些西方社会人们的眼里,就如同二战时期的德国那翠让人恐怖反感。
红旗是社会主义的象征, 红色是血淋淋的一样血腥。 在北美以及西方社会, 你还是少拿着五星红旗到处张扬吧, 那样, 会适得其反的。
庆祝抗议游行, 你还是多提提口号, 多发表些建议, 多了解所在地的习俗,法律和秩序,这样可能效果更好些。
• 中国有没有人权问题?有,中国有很严重的人权问题。帝国主义指责中国的人权问题,是要救中国人民于水火之中吗?不是。
• 批判的武器和武器的批判
这句半文半白的话翻译过来就是,精神上要批判,肉体上要消灭。抗议西方媒体的偏袒性报道,和他们据理力争,那是文斗,可我们嗓门没有他们大,世界媒体的70% 由他们控制。文斗不果,有心揍他们一顿,可一看我们还打不过他们,真是生气又窝火。这就是我们不得不面对的可悲现实。再埋头苦干三十年当中国制造的高端产品,像现在的低端产品那样行销全世界的时候,情况就不会是现在这个样子了。
• 祸不在外而在萧墙之内
I like these questions a lot, you hit the points very well...gorgeous speaking! Cool!
让这些别有用心的西方媒体去 自食其果吧。
也让 西方人 能够清醒认识他们国家媒体的角色。
也希望 中国人能够 从此团结起来,希望中国通过奥运 真正能强大起来,不单单是经济,更要是 我们中国人的精神能强大起来,能够有作为一个中国人的尊严和骄傲。不单单是海外的中国人能这样,希望中国大陆内的每一个中国人都有 做为 一个 ‘人’的 尊严和骄傲。