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[欣赏]贝多芬的情书 (图)

(2008-03-26 11:35:55) 下一个

My angel, my all, my very self -- only a few words today and at that with your pencil -- not till tomorrow will my lodgings be definitely determined upon -- what a useless waste of time. Why this deep sorrow where necessity speaks -- can our love endure except through sacrifices -- except through not demanding everything -- can you change it that you are not wholly mine, I not wholly thine?

Oh, God! look out into the beauties of nature and comfort yourself with that which must be -- love demands everything and that very justly -- that it is with me so far as you are concerned, and you with me. If we were wholly united you would feel the pain of it as little as I!

Now a quick change to things internal from things external. We shall surely see each other; moreover, I cannot communicate to you the observations I have made during the last few days touching my own life -- if our hearts were always close together I would make none of the kind. My heart is full of many things to say to you - Ah! -- there are moments when I feel that speech is nothing after all -- cheer up -- remain my true, only treasure, my all as I am yours; the gods must send us the rest that which shall be best for us.

Your faithful,

Ludwig Beethoven

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阅读 ()评论 (3)
mzl9876 回复 悄悄话 04年看了CD,就非常的喜欢,尤为喜欢他那傻劲,
summer_rose 回复 悄悄话 没真想到贝多芬的文笔比他的钢琴曲烂这么多!要是凭这封情书,当我男朋友我都不要!不过,要是听他和他第子李斯特的钢琴曲,有个这样的老公也不错了。。。
Guoqin 回复 悄悄话 like this music, seems match well with your selected picture. the actor's face so familiar.