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• 决战德州:噢巴马能再次击败希拉莉吗?(组图) • [随笔]奥巴马: Yes We Can!
• [随笔]麦肯: 毛主席的好学生 (图) • [幽默]奥巴马的女孩(文/视频)
• [短评]兵败如山倒:希拉莉还有希望选下去吗[图]? • [纪实]奥巴马:竞选宣言 (图)
• [纪实]麦肯:我是共和党,因为我相信 (图) • [短评]超级星期二:麦肯总统?希拉莉总统?(图)
• [幽默]得,她又哭了 (图) • [短评]为什么新一代的华人移民要投共和党一票? (2)
• [短评]为什么新一代的华人移民要投共和党一票 ?(1) • [调侃]为什么华人移民大多倾向民主党? (图)
• [短评]重新洗牌:麦肯VS希拉莉 罗姆尼VS奥巴马(文/视频) • [短评]进退维谷:克林顿夫妇把奥巴马逼进死胡同(文/视频)
• [幽默]当希拉莉遇见奥巴马 (When Hillary met Obama) (图) • [幽默]您再靠近点儿~ (图)
• [短评]来看看希拉莉是怎么样在新州反败为胜的(文/视频) • [短评]非法移民的天堂:美国还能撑多久?(文/视频) (图)
• [幽默]来看看美国人是怎样拿布什总统开涮的[文/视频] • [纪实]美国大选花絮:希拉莉令人疑问的笑声[视频]
• [纪实]来看看有可能成为美国第一夫人的美女们(图) • [短评]希拉里 VS 奥巴马:谁会是美国下届总统?
• [政论]为什么不能选HILLARY作总统?(4) (图) • [政论]为什么不能选HILLARY为总统?(3) (图)
• [政论]为什么不能选HILLARY作总统?(2) (图) • [政论]为什么不能选HILLARY作总统?(1) (图)

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如果我是小優 回复 悄悄话 回复Grant的评论:
微微小草 回复 悄悄话 抽签得了,谁上还不一个样。浪费的钱干啥不好!
Grant 回复 悄悄话 Obama > McCain > Hillary
McCain = Bush
Grant 回复 悄悄话 回复如果我是小優的评论:
如果我是小優 回复 悄悄话 唉....obama我看了那麼久..難道你們還看不出來?那傢伙只是很會那張嘴!!跟所有黑人一樣!!就會空談!..我才不擔心呢..hillary我對她有信心..你們分析太不透徹了..反正我懶得說..不過我要說一下..youyuanfun bluecurrent 我跟你們想的一樣..Hillary要加油阿!!!!!我支持你!!!雖然現在obama贏面大..但我非常相信..那只是假象!到時候內部開會的時候一定會讓obama放棄的!!!
Grant 回复 悄悄话 回复noso的评论:
Hillary is getting not less media exposure, but as the world can see, she has nothing but scandals to show.
The media don't invent those crap unless she made them herself.
The only attack on Obama is his inexperience and his skin color. Nothing more. The inexperience has been strongly proven to be even an advantage for the new generation of politic and leadership, and the racial discrimination is just lame and upsetting.
Hillary's campaign is on $7.5 million of debt which doesn't even include the $5 million out of her own pocket. How can you expect to trust in her administration of this country while she can't even make her little campaign work in a healthy manner, despite all the misconducts, scandals and lies?
Wake up, Chinese fellows. The change in skin color in the White House will be a milestone in perfecting the true America. The skin color can't justify their cause, but it's rather a symbol of a greater level of humanity and civilization.
ephimonline 回复 悄悄话 大家不用怕,奥巴马就算比毛泽东,希特勒厉害十倍美国也不会有文化大革命的,他们两百多年前设计的制度就是为了避免这种情况发生的。知道现在的布什政府为什么叫bush administration 而不是bush government吗?
noso 回复 悄悄话 WASHINGTON (AFP) - Barack Obama, the wunderkind of US politics, has long basked in adulatory press coverage for his historic White House bid -- but a media backlash appears to be building.

Hillary Clinton, Obama's bitter rival for the Democrats' presidential nomination, has long complained that the young Illinois senator is getting a free ride from journalists in thrall to his promise of change.

"Obama is the new story this year and reporters love novel plotlines," said Darrell West, a political scientist and media expert at Brown University in Rhode Island.

"But as it gets closer to the nomination, there is going to be more scrutiny of him. Reporters are going to examine his statements, his votes and his background," he told AFP.

Some Obama supporters fret already that his campaign has the trappings of a messianic cult, as thousands upon thousands pack auditoriums to bask in his uplifting oratory.

"Obamaphilia has gotten creepy," Los Angeles Times columnist Joel Stein wrote. "The best we Obamaphiles can do is to refrain from embarrassing ourselves."

But even seasoned Republican commentators have found something refreshing in the 46-year-old Obama's drive to become the first African-American president and turn a page on two decades of political rancor.

MSNBC presenter Joe Scarborough, a former Republican representative, has commented admiringly on Obama's ability to rally independents and even Republicans to his cause. "I've never seen anything like this before," he said.

For a fickle media pack always desperate for the next big thing, the Obama phenomenon has shone beside the tarnished luster of Clinton and her former president husband Bill.

That frustrates Clinton aides such as communications chief Howard Wolfson, who said his boss had been "vetted" thoroughly.

"There is a role that the press plays in vetting candidates and that role is presumably ongoing," he said, arguing that recent disclosures about Obama were better late than never.

The candidate himself denies that he has received an easy ride, noting that for much of last year the coverage was not so excitable when he was focused on nuts-and-bolts stump issues.

"We got good press (at first) because we raised more money than people had expected," Obama said late last month. "And then there was a big stretch of about six months when we couldn't do anything right.

"We were not complaining when other candidates were touted as inevitable and their campaigns were flawless and we were the gang that couldn't shoot straight. So I just think we have to keep it in perspective."

Obama has kept the press at arm's length, giving fewer on-the-record briefings than Clinton, the once "inevitable" nominee who has become more accessible as her campaign has faltered.

Still, Obama brings to mind the original "Teflon president," Ronald Reagan, to whom scandal failed to stick and whose talent for communication lives on in the Illinois senator.

The Clinton campaign has struggled to whip up media interest in Obama's financial links to a Chicago businessman, Antoin Rezko, who is due to go on trial for fraud next month.

The New York senator has gained traction more recently for her accusation that Obama has plagiarized other politicians' speeches, although that piece of spin did nothing to halt Obama's momentum in Wisconsin Tuesday.

Television networks cut away from Clinton mid-speech on the night of the Wisconsin primary as Obama stole her thunder at a victory rally in Texas, a small but telling sign of the shift in media attention from last year.

But Obama hasn't been immune to attack.

Fox News presenters last year relayed false claims by Insight, an online journal published by Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church, that he attended a radical Islamic school as a child in Indonesia.

Insight had said the Clinton campaign was preparing to assert that Obama had covered up this period of his life, but the New York Times said the report was "quickly discredited" and Fox backtracked.

However, Obama is now under broader fire as his chances of winning the Democratic nomination have surged with victories in 11 contests running.

In an article headlined "The Obama Delusion," Washington Post columnist Robert Samuelson said the senator "seems to have hypnotized much of the media and the public with his eloquence and the symbolism of his life story."

"The result is a mass delusion that Obama is forthrightly engaging the nation's major problems when, so far, he isn't."

yodaiamyoda 回复 悄悄话 我选奥巴马。 总不能让布什和克林顿两家当政美国30年吧?不然我的票就给馬侃。
noso 回复 悄悄话 回复bluecurrent的评论:

it seems American people agree that they need changes.
noso 回复 悄悄话 回复youyuanfun的评论:

he does look like a red gard, doesn't he? : )
bluecurrent 回复 悄悄话 回复youyuanfun的评论:


任何的反潮流和激进 都将给社会带来动荡和灾难。人类要学会从历史中吸取教训。

youyuanfun 回复 悄悄话 奥巴马胜选,将是美国大灾难的开始!!!
noso 回复 悄悄话 回复林韵的评论:

agree! 他说的都是讨好选民的。
林韵 回复 悄悄话 不能忽略奥巴马优秀的演讲能力,他的演说是希拉莉无法匹敌滴:)