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(2008-01-09 08:03:45) 下一个

美国大选民主党阵营中, 有三位, 在为本党提名拼得如火如荼:







老婆在前面留露出弱者的情绪,老公则公开挑战击败老婆的噢巴马:你的所谓改革都是哄孩子的童话,你根本没有经验和本领来实施你的计划。GIVE ME A BREAK!您歇菜吧!










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noso 回复 悄悄话 Analysis: Bill Clinton role scrutinized
Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON --Having a former president on your side is a blessing that can cut both ways.

Bill Clinton is still wildly popular with Democrats. Yet his sharp comments about his wife's chief rival, Barack Obama, could alienate some voters, especially those as biting as calling the Illinois senator's life a "fairy tale."

His front-and-center role is coming under fresh scrutiny as Hillary Rodham Clinton regains her footing.

As he stumped for her Sunday night, the former president said, "We can't be a new story." He went on to suggest that he couldn't make his wife more like Obama. "I can't make her younger, taller, male. There's a lot I can't do."

The chemistry between the former first couple has seemed a little awkward of late as he stands behind her at rallies, sometimes looking out of place. Still, in her victory comments on Tuesday night, she called him and their daughter Chelsea the two most important people in her life.

Exit polls in New Hampshire on Tuesday night showed that Bill Clinton remains hugely popular among voters in the Democratic primary. Some 83 percent had a favorable opinion of him. Her approval level was 75 percent.

In fact, 56 percent of those who supported his wife said they would have voted for a third term for her husband - had that been constitutionally possible - compared with a quarter of Obama's supporters and a third of the supporters of John Edwards who said they would, according to exit polls for The Associated Press and the television networks.

The former president is expected to continue to play an active role in his wife's campaign as it moves toward contests in Nevada next week and South Carolina on Jan. 26, and on to "Super Tuesday" on Feb. 5 when 21 states vote.

With so many states in play at once, visits by candidate spouses "become more important than ever," said Democratic strategist Paul Begala, a longtime adviser to Bill Clinton.

As to the former president's stepped up attacks on Obama, "It's just part of the business. Barack's been pretty tough on President Clinton as well," Begala said. "Let's not make him out to be an attack dog. His best use is as a character witness for his wife. He is able to tell voters what the real Hillary is like, the Hillary I've known for 16 years but voters haven't."

Bill Clinton's role in South Carolina could be important in trying to take votes away from Obama among black Democrats, a group with which the former president has been particularly popular.

"I think the bottom line is he helps her," said Stephen J. Wayne, a presidential scholar at Georgetown University. The former president may remind voters of the past rather than the future, but "she herself reminds everyone of the past when she uses her 'experience' theme." Wayne said the New York senator would raise more eyebrows if the reverse were true - if he wasn't out campaigning for her.

Yet among some Democrats, his high-profile presence is troublesome. And some fear that if he becomes too critical of Obama it could backfire.

"One head needs to roll more than any other: Bill's," former Clinton consultant Dick Morris wrote in an opinion piece in Wednesday editions of The Hill newspaper. "His role in the campaign has been destructive from the moment he took the public stage on Hillary's behalf."

On Monday night, the former president went to Dartmouth College in Hanover, N.H. - an area where Obama was surging - and accused Obama of misrepresenting himself on the Iraq war.

While Obama spoke out against the war in 2002 while he was an Illinois state senator, he suggested a year later that "there was no difference" between himself and Bush on the war, Clinton asserted. "Give me a break. This whole thing is the biggest fairy tale I have ever seen," he said.

"Former President Clinton has continued to mischaracterize my record on this and we're going to have to call him on it," Obama responded on Wednesday. "I opposed this war from the start," he told National Public Radio.

Candidate Clinton also weighed in. "The facts are indisputable," she said. "Senator Obama made a speech in 2002 against the war in Iraq and he deserves credit for that. Then by 2004, he was publicly saying that he didn't know how he would have voted had he actually been in the Senate and actually agreed with George Bush on the conduct of the war.

"He said he would never vote to fund the war," she said Wednesday in an interview with CNN. "And then in 2005 and 2006 and 2007, he voted for $300 billion worth of funding."

noso 回复 悄悄话 她令希拉里泛泪,却最终把票投给了奥巴马

文章来源: 明报 于 2008-01-11 00:41:55

明报/美国总统初选民主党参选人希拉里(Hillary Clinton)在新罕布什尔州民主党初选奇迹反败为胜,不少舆论认为她周一拉票时“含泪剖白”是转捩点。但她的眼泪原来并没有感动向她提问、导致她眼泛泪光的64岁女摄影师杨格(Marianne Pernold Young)。杨格表示,她最终投了奥巴马(Barack Obama)一票。









nice7777 回复 悄悄话 To nonick:
女性是天生管理者? Bull shit
沙切尔夫人 is one of a few exceptions.
nice7777 回复 悄悄话 To ZTM:
Maybe, Hillary is one of a few exceptions.
nice7777 回复 悄悄话 点点滴滴在心头 is too simple and too naive.
响亮耳光 will be for yourself.

U-U: I don't trust any politicians.
cczz 回复 悄悄话 回复U-U的评论:
manchu 回复 悄悄话 希拉莉太迫不及待了。她应该把钻石一样珍贵的眼泪留到二月四号晚上去用。该好好拜水扁为师。
tulip_1 回复 悄悄话 奥巴马说要禁止所有中国玩具,他能作到吗?一听就是信口胡说,他说的话有几分可信?什么都不懂,大话一套一套的!支持希拉里!!!
WubuFu 回复 悄悄话 Why is there no one voting for Edwards? He is so handsome. What a wickied world.
十三不靠. 回复 悄悄话 回复关键字的评论:“电视上著名的脱口秀名嘴几乎全是黑兄弟。”不会吧。你是专门看黑人脱口秀吧。白人多着呐。至于黑牧师、黑律师,口沫横飞,嘿嘿,……不多说啦。
noso 回复 悄悄话 楼下各位同学:


正义之星 回复 悄悄话 我一定投票给她! 美国需要一位女总统了!
关键字 回复 悄悄话 如果就论忽悠的本领,黑兄弟可千万不能小瞧。电视上著名的脱口秀名嘴几乎全是黑兄弟。还有电视上的很多黑牧师讲道时唾沫星子满天飞,鼓动性非常非常强。

不过,无论OBM,ADHZ,或者是XLL赢得民主党候选人提名,民主党就肯定还得再当4-8年在野党。除非民主党内能杀出象当年的克林顿一样的猛将。OBM有点象,但是,如果真要全体美国人投票给一位黑兄弟,恐怕还没那么容易。黑人毕竟是少数民族,总人口仍然低于5%(对吗?)。 如果共和党的麦肯获提名,无论他面对的是ONM还是XLL,肯定是胜券在握了。 爱德华兹本人没有总统相,上次被淘汰掉的人再出来,命运指挥比上次更惨。上次第二,这次最好的名次也只能是第三了。纯粹浪费钱财和精力。

sunjkl 回复 悄悄话 Iowa Caucus? Another one?
sunjkl 回复 悄悄话 Check out the income and education level between Iowa and NH. It might be very well a factor for the difference.
U-U 回复 悄悄话 Hello!

Some of you know us, and some do not. However, we have one thing in common--we all are from Asia. Many of us are Asian Americans, and so are many of our children. For the sake of ourselves and particularly for the future of our children, please participate in Iowa Caucus if you are eligible to vote, and NOT to support Obama.

Why NOT Obama? Because he refuse to commit to the equal rights and equal opportunities for Asian Americans, according to the 80-20 Initiative, an Asian American organization with its mission to unite Asian Americans to fight for our equal rights and opportunities in the U.S. Many of you are aware of the 80-20 and its activities. For those who do not, please visit its web site for more information: http://www.80-20initiative.net/

Many of us may not have much interest in politics. However, we are all affected by the politics in Washington. It is far from enough to be only "model citizens" and advanced academically. We need to unite and defend our group interest politically. See the forwarded message below for information on how to Caucus. Remember, NOT to support Obama. If Obama wins, then all other democratic candidates who have committed to support our equal rights would lose, which means WE would lose.

Even if you are an Independent or Republican, you can still help by participate in Democrats' group this time.

United, We stand!
nonick 回复 悄悄话 to ZTM:
laotexas 回复 悄悄话 Agree with xinzhou. Well not many peopple voted for John Edward. I think he can beat republican.
安娜堡的下午茶 回复 悄悄话 支持楼主一下. 讲得很好吗. 触动沙文主义的黄阿三了.
点点滴滴在心头 回复 悄悄话 回ZTM 的话,你脑子里有太不合时宜的观念了,男女在管制方面的能力都一样。远的不说,就是我现工作的部门,女上司比男的还多。你的话太out了。等希拉里当任,这事实会一直持续地给你一响亮耳光, “啪”声会响至四年,八年不等,走着瞧好了。
ZTM 回复 悄悄话 Woman is a natural emotional creature no matter how strong she looks or pretends. History has provided a lot of evidence, only a few are exceptions. So the best place for her might be dealing with people and family, not with the highest power of politics.
点点滴滴在心头 回复 悄悄话 看着希拉里说话,突然升出一中敬佩感,她真的好勇敢,当着那么多人,全美国,甚至全世界的人说话,一点都不害怕,心慌.....真伟大。 在她露出平常人的真情一刻,我更加倾心投她一票了。
wuwei129 回复 悄悄话 是人都有偏向性,你罗列这些东西,评论也是偏的很。BILL CLINTON那段录像是 抨击OBAMA政策摇摆,所以也不要说他老婆.

xinzhou 回复 悄悄话 如果奥巴马获得民主党提名,民主党这次就输定了!
littlememe 回复 悄悄话 奥巴马确实给人没有经验的感觉,讲话象美国那些职业inspirational speaker,这样的人当总统?
soccer_piano_fan 回复 悄悄话 如果奥巴马获得民主党提名,民主党这次就输定了!
bluecurrent 回复 悄悄话 哎,克林顿真的老了,头发都白了,可能记性不好了,忘记自己说的话了。
