年仅47岁的Randy Pausch 博士是美国卡纳基梅隆大学计算机系教授,得了不治之症,还只有几个月的生命。尽管如此,他向人们展示了积极向上的励志精神。他作的有关生命的“最后一课”在ABC,CBS, 华尔街日报,噢普等主流媒体和网络上广泛传播,深入人心。ABC世界新闻选他为“本周之星”。
他说,这个演讲,是给我未成年的孩子们留下的。如果你也觉得有帮助,那实在太好了。演讲造成轰动,实在荣幸也不好意思。我真的没什么特别的。送孩子来我们的大学吧。我死以后, 这里的教授们会接着给他们上人生的课程。
他说, 我不怕死,但我怕死的过程。死亡是人生命的一个组成部分,谁都要死,所以没什么可怕的。但我这个病的死亡过程会很痛苦,会给我的妻子和孩子带来很大的痛楚,我于心不忍。我可以选择速死,可那对孩子又不公平。好象挤柠檬一样,要是还能挤出最后一滴,他们还要再挤一挤。所以说,能活着真的是一个礼物,要好好享受生命才是,要开心。
以下是Randy Pausch教授几个主要的人生感悟, 希望对大家有些启发和帮助:
1。Brick walls are there for a reason: they let us prove how badly we want things.
2。Experience is what you get when you didn’t get what you wanted.
3。Never lose the child-like wonder.
4。If we do something which is pioneering, we will get arrows in the back. But at the end of the day, a whole lot of people will have a whole lot of fun.
5。Be good at something; it makes you valuable.
6。If you live your life the right way, the karma will take care of itself, and the dreams will come to you.
7。Stay positive no matter what, but not in denial。
8。Make things fun。
9。 Dream a big dream。
10。Learn from all the people in your life。
11。Be dare to do things differently。
12。Find the right place to nurture your dreams。
13。If you screwed up, and no one cares to say anything, that means you have been dropped. Criticism is your best friend。
14。Life is a gift. Find the good things from others. If you can wait long enough, the good side of other people will show。
15。Don't go the short-cut, always tell the truth。
16。Don't complain, just work harder.
Randy Pausch emphasized the joy of life in his "last lecture," originally given in September 2007.
Pausch died at his home in Virginia, university spokeswoman Anne Watzman said. Pausch and his family moved there last fall to be closer to his wife's relatives.
Pausch was diagnosed with incurable pancreatic cancer in September 2006. His popular last lecture at Carnegie Mellon in September 2007 garnered international attention and was viewed by millions on the Internet.
In it, Pausch celebrated living the life he had always dreamed of instead of concentrating on impending death.
"The lecture was for my kids, but if others are finding value in it, that is wonderful," Pausch wrote on his Web site. "But rest assured; I'm hardly unique."
The book "The Last Lecture," written with Jeffrey Zaslow, leaped to the top of the nonfiction best-seller lists after its publication in April and remains there this week. Pausch said he dictated the book to Zaslow, a Wall Street Journal writer, by cell phone. The book deal was reported to be worth more than $6 million.
At Carnegie Mellon, he was a professor of computer science, human-computer interaction and design, and was recognized as a pioneer of virtual reality research. On campus, he became known for his flamboyance and showmanship as a teacher and mentor.
The speech last fall was part of a series Carnegie Mellon called "The Last Lecture," where professors were asked to think about what matters to them most and give a hypothetical final talk. The name of the lecture series was changed to "Journeys" before Pausch spoke, something he joked about in his lecture.
"I thought, damn, I finally nailed the venue and they renamed it," he said.
He told the packed auditorium he fulfilled almost all his childhood dreams -- being in zero gravity, writing an article in the World Book Encyclopedia and working with the Walt Disney Co.
The one that eluded him? Playing in the National Football League.
"If I don't seem as depressed or morose as I should be, sorry to disappoint you," Pausch said.
He then joked about his quirky hobby of winning stuffed animals at amusement parks -- another of his childhood dreams -- and how his mother introduced him to people to keep him humble: "This is my son, he's a doctor, but not the kind that helps people."
Pausch said he was embarrassed and flattered by the popularity of his message. Millions viewed the complete or abridged version of the lecture, titled "Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams," online.
Pausch lobbied Congress for more federal funding for pancreatic cancer research and appeared on "Oprah" and other TV shows. In what he called "a truly magical experience," he was even invited to appear as an extra in the new "Star Trek" movie.
He had one line of dialogue, got to keep his costume and donated his $217.06 paycheck to charity.
Pausch blogged regularly about his medical treatment. On Feb. 15, exactly six months after he was told he had three to six months of healthy living left, Pausch posted a photo of himself to show he was "still alive & healthy."
"I rode my bike today; the cumulative effects of the chemotherapy are hurting my stamina some, but I bet I can still run a quarter mile faster than most Americans," he wrote.
Pausch gave one more lecture after his Carnegie Mellon appearance -- in November at the University of Virginia, where he had taught from 1988 to 1997.
Pausch often emphasized the need to have fun.
"I mean I don't know how to not have fun. I'm dying and I'm having fun. And I'm going to keep having fun every day I have left. Because there's no other way to play it," he said in his Carnegie Mellon lecture. "You just have to decide if you're a Tigger or an Eeyore. I think I'm clear where I stand on the great Tigger/Eeyore debate. Never lose the childlike wonder. It's just too important. It's what drives us."
Born in 1960, Pausch received his bachelor's degree in computer science from Brown University and his Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon.
He co-founded Carnegie Mellon's Entertainment Technology Center, a master's program for bringing artists and engineers together. The university named a footbridge in his honor. He also created an animation-based teaching program for high school and college students to have fun while learning computer programming.
In February, the Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences in California announced the creation of the Dr. Randy Pausch Scholarship Fund for university students who pursue careers in game design, development and production.
He and his wife, Jai, had three children, Dylan, Logan and Chloe.
Noso 的主意好,你写信给他, 对他克服病痛也是个很大鼓舞!
谢谢分享好文, 周末愉快!
我给RANDY PAUSCH博士写了封信,提到这篇文章和大家的评语。如果能收到他的回信的话,我会刊登出来跟大家分享。
本想挑一句最感触的话,读了一次又一次,句句touch my heart.
惜福,惜福,再惜福!———— “罢了”说到点子上了。
最喜欢的一段话是:I don’t know how not to have fun, I am dying to not having fun, I am going to keep having fun everyday I have left, because there is no other way to play.(我不能想象没有乐趣的生活,如果没有了乐趣生命还有什么意义。我要使生命中剩下的每一天都充满乐趣,因为
最感同身受的一段话是:Life is a gift, if you wait long enough, other people will show you their good side. If there is anything I learned that is absolutely true. Sometimes it may take longer than you like, but the onus is on you to keep the hope and keep the waiting.(生命是一件礼物,如果你能耐心等待,你就一定能看到人身上善良的一面,这是我一生得到的真实感悟。有时候等待的时间比你期望的要长,但是保持这种希望和等待这是你的责任。)
最想记住的一段话是:Creating memories for the kids.(为孩子们创造记忆)
感触最深的一段话是:I am not afraid of death but I am afraid of die.(我并不畏惧死亡本身,但是我害怕死亡的过程。)
Never lost your dream. : )
的确如此。好久不见,问好。: )
希望你能跟大家分享你的感梧。: )
well said. he is a very brave man.
回想起去年逝去的41岁师兄,被癌细胞折磨了4年的他,没有孩子没有亲情更没有爱情,在无尽的孤独和绝望中离开。 一个生前寂寞了一辈子的才子,淡漠地看着自己热闹而排场的追悼会,我想只有自己知道他在天堂中冷笑着人间的闹剧。
病倒了三天在灵魂脱壳般的昏迷中 我对生命 感悟出了很多东西。