
  • 博客访问:

[随笔]听说你想当老板 (3)

(2007-03-17 22:49:43) 下一个

"Don't bull shit the bull shiter!"

People lie, it is in their nature.

They lie to protect themselves from being hurt or to cover up their mistakes, or to get what they want.

As a business owner, you must have a pair of keen eyes on the people around you. People who lie tend to look around when they talk to you. I admit, there are some very good liers who can look right at your eyes and tell the lie, or make up somthing, trying to get away the way they wanted.

I have learned it from a hard way to tell the liers from honest people.

You, as the business owner, must be honest to yourself , to your employees, and to your customers. If getting away with something is what you want to do in business or in life, you will get caught someday somewhere, period.

People who lie will not be a good business person. When no one trusts you, everyone will question your credibility, you are gone from their list.

Telling the truth is the best way to deal with liers.

The truth is hard to swallow, but someone has to eat it.

To a lying employee, the truth you need to tell him or her is:
" You are fired!"
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