"I don't work here."
If you a business owner, the first thing you should remember is that you are not like everyone else that works for you. You have no break, no sick-pay, no excuse, no nonsense, no bull shit, whatsoever.
This business is yours, you need to run the way you like and make it happen the way you need. Everyone else here is only interested in their paychecks and always want to work as less as possible. If there is anything wrong, it is always someone else's fault.
You, as the business owner, you are responsible for everything, right or wrong. Do not blame on someone else, there is no excuse for mistake. Although people will make mistake, but you shouldn't.
You must have the highest expectation for yourself. If you can't handel that, if you can't deal with frustration and pressure, you are better off to work for someone who can.