(此文中的时尚风格分类来源于文章: "Types of Fashion Styles", at www.enkivillage.com/types-of-fashion-styles.html by suzysmile on Enkivillage. 文字和英译:greenlawn on wenxuecity.com. 所有图片的来源都可以点图得到。转帖请保留这段出处声明,谢谢)
1. 波希米亚 Bohemian
2. 艺术家风格 Arty
3. 时髦趋新 Chic, trendy, fashionable
4. 经典风格 Classic
1 2
3 4
5. 异域风情 Exotic
6. 火热夸张 Flamboyant
7. 魅力迷人 Glamorous
8. 浪漫柔美 Romantic
5 6
7 8
9. 性感 Sexy
性感着装主要为吸引男人们的目光,也因此可能会惹恼一些身旁的女士。性感在于挑逗,在于尽可能地裸露。暴露的衣服,非常紧身的衣服,非常短的短裤,极细极高的高跟鞋。Mainly to turn men's heads, which often annoy other women around. Flirtatious, shows the maxium body exposure. Baring a lot of skin, wearing tight fitting tops and bottoms, stiletto heels.

10. 高雅讲究 Sophisticated
非常讲究较难满足。和Classic类似需要高的品质。高品质之外追究典雅,更追求出众和人文修养。喜爱这种风格的人经常已经是或想成为社会名士。他们认为自己是高级的文化生活和豪华生活的行家。Not easily satisified. Want high quality similar to classic. Need distinction and culture polish which is beyond the elegance. They are often socialites or want to be one. They dream themselves as connoisseurs who value haute culture and luxury.

11. 西部风格 Western
美国西南部和西部的牛仔风格。极适用于那些在(或想在)农场工作生活或参加牛仔节的人们。个性非常活跃好动,阳光,直爽。着装可以很随意,蓝色牛仔,T恤衫,粗布夹克,流苏夹克,牛仔帽,皮带,牛仔靴,等等。American Southwest and West themes. Great for those who work or live on a ranch, participate in a rodeo or those who wish to live that kind of life. Active, sunny, straight-talking characteristics. Can be very informal: blue jeans, t-shirt, denim jacket, fringe jacket, cowboy hat, leather belt, cowboy boots, etc.

12. 邻家女孩 Traditional
传统风格。务实,有教养,总是穿得很恰当。选择不会过时的经典单品。往往有格子法兰绒衬衣,呢子短大衣,适当场合常常会穿传统的黑色连衣裙。The wholesome sensible "girl next door". Practical, polite and always dress appropriately. Like classic time-honored favorites. Often wears a plaid flannel shirt, a pea coat, a classic black dress as long as it suits the occasion.

13. 学院派 Preppy
大学生中最常见。女孩子气但比较内敛那种。非常容易混搭的单品。衣服经常看上去有档次但实际上他们不会在穿戴上花大钱。单品往往包括不太透明的裤袜,上窄下宽的A线条裙子,清纯的衬衫和发带。Very popular among college students. Often girly but not too frilly. Clothes are great to mix and match. Often appear luxurious but actually people with this style do not drop ton of cash to have the look. The apparel often includes opaque tights, A-line skirts, girly blouses and headbands, etc.

14. 朋克 Punk
朋克在二战后兴起到70年代成为流行。经历过不同的演绎和变迁但主旨一直是玩世不恭,叛逆,和带一些挑衅性。夹带些魅力元素的朋克喜用亮色,皮子,弹力纤维,和豹纹; 街头朋克则喜欢紧身牛仔,带乐队标识的T恤,滑板者风格的衣物和腕带。Started after WWII, became popular in the 1970's. Gone through modifications and style twists but the main goal is to be anti-materialistic and edgy. Glam punk has bright colors, leather, spandex and leopard print while pop punk may have skinny jeans, band tees, skater styles and wrist bands.

15. 假小子 Tomboy
喜欢简约不喜欢穿粉色。喜欢男士服装部里的个性T恤和磨旧的衬衣。式样往往宽松。现在很多品牌也提供男士女士都可以穿的中性风格衣服。A girl who wants to wear something simple and who doesn't like to wear pink. Graphic tees and distressed shirts from the boy section of department stores. A bit baggy but it is not a bad thing. Likewise, popular stores offer unisex clothes that can be worn by guys and girls.

16. 摇滚 Rocker
依不同的流派和人群,摇滚风格可以极其迷人也可以极其不堪。二手店是摇滚风格的终极来源。衣服非常便宜看上去已经穿旧好几个月了。不喜欢极其宽松的衣服喜欢小一点的衣服。不可或缺的单品有破洞牛仔,古董T恤和皮衣。Depending on genre or crowd, rocker style may vary from ultra-glam to grunge. Thrift stores are the ultimate source of the rocker styles. Clothes are cheap and it looks like they were worn in for several months. Rockers do not wear baggy clothes, they opt for smaller size. Not complete without ripped denim, vintage tees and leather jacket.

17. 哥特 Goth
哥特衍生于后朋克风格。以黑,暗,病态为特点。常见的要素包括黑色唇膏,黑发,黑衣,黑指甲,夸张的黑眼线。也常常带有朋克,维多利亚式,和伊丽莎白式文艺复兴的风格。Influenced by Goth subculture, characterized with dark and morbid style of dress. Common style includes black lips, black hair, black clothes, black fingernails, dark eyeliner. Some elements are often borrowed from punk style, Victorians and Elizabethans.

9. 性感 Sexy
10. 高雅讲究 Sophisticated
11. 西部风格 Western
12. 邻家女孩 Traditional
13. 学院派 Preppy
14. 朋克 Punk
15. 假小子 Tomboy
16. 摇滚 Rocker
17. 哥特 Goth