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【music】change partners

(2008-04-16 21:16:10) 下一个

We were waltzin' together to a dreamy melody
When they called out "change partners"
And you waltzed away from me
Now my arms feel so empty as I gaze around the floor
And I'll keep on changing partners
Till I hold you once more

Though we danced for one moment and too soon we had to part
In that wonderful moment something happened to my heart
So I'll keep changing partners till you're in my arms and then
Oh, my darlin' I will never change partners again

[Instrumental Interlude]

Though we danced for one moment and too soon we had to part
In that wonderful moment something happened to my heart
So I'll keep changing partners till you're in my arms and then
Oh, my darlin' I will never change partners again

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惠兰 回复 悄悄话 是歌词,不是我写的。多谢留言。
虔谦 回复 悄悄话 开始英文写作啦? 支持!
问候惠兰, 母亲节幸福快乐!