

(2008-01-11 19:06:14) 下一个

女儿老师要她班上所有学生,用五分钟写出各人脑风暴之成像,和感受。女儿分别写下了几篇,对家人的直接感受与记忆。不用想,不用思考,也不必考虑逻辑或结构,完全是内心的直叙与展现。女儿告诉我,“妈妈篇”,被她老师在课堂上当作佳作,不仅念给全班学生听, 老师更是欣赏连连,以至于赞不绝口。



当然,女儿与儿子之间, 那打不断,掰不开的手足情,更是让我增添慰藉,在严酷的现实生活面前,凭添一出生活的喜闹剧,让我对人生更有了一层别样的感受。 





To walk on this very same earth as my little brother, would be an experience I wouldn’t miss for anything. Though we are of the same blood, the same origin and even the same looks, we are as different as night and day. To discover what possible excitement can emerge from playing “Halo 3”, the utter disgust of pink, the enjoyment in pestering his big sister, the laziness in leaving dirty socks beside the bed, the sorrow and eventual depression at having lost many men in “Call of Duty 4”, and the ignorance in understanding the heart of women. I have always wished to comprehend why he does the things he does and the reason as to why he is always bent on “revenge”. Why it is so hard for him to forgive? Why he constantly implies what He is the head of the house?

I also wished to understand in his mind what is so special about the male species that women don’t have?

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