

(2008-06-20 09:50:29) 下一个

到一封同事的信, 说她可爱的女儿给她写了这样一封信, 让她高兴一整天,所以也转发给我们这些皱着眉头工作的大人们一乐:

This Morning, I was asking myself, what are some of the secrets of

success in life? I found the answers right there, in my very room.

The fan said: be cool.

The roof said: aim high.

The window said: see the world.

The clock said: every minute is precious.

The mirror said: reflect before you act.

The calendar said: be updated.

The light said: shine as bright as you can.

The wall said: stand firm.

The door said: push as hard as u can for your goals.

So always apply these techniques for a better life...Have a nice day!!

God has seen u strugglin and he says its over. A blessing is coming ur

way...i wish u d very best.


读了这个小姑娘的信,真为她的青春朝气, 和聪明的小脑瓜儿折服!长江后浪推前浪, 一代更比一代强啊!

我的女儿这周正在一个朋友所在的组织实习, 朋友让她翻译一篇能源,食品与经济方面的文章。 自信的女儿发现翻译专业文章还是满不容易地。 不过, 她也有办法, 不会就给老妈打电话讨论。 终于发现工作还是辛苦的, 老妈也还是有点用途的。我也很高兴能派上正经的用途。

周六要帮女儿在学校国际节上卖中国饺子,面条, 周日要出差,只要一切顺利, 平平安安就好, 不能求shine as bright as you can 啦。

也祝大家周末愉快, 平安如意!

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阅读 ()评论 (3)
jwangl 回复 悄悄话 I don't think this kind of wisdom can be reached by this little girl. There's another article dated 6/6/2008 with the same content: http://blog.360.yahoo.com/blog-cye8tdc5equyB0QNwF_J0s_GYuaYwLV43w--?cq=1&p=62
苗青青 回复 悄悄话 常收到别人写的话,神来之笔让我吃惊。。。

lunamia 回复 悄悄话 哇,这个小姑娘的信,很有人生哲理呢,我得让我的女儿看看。。。
