

小天使(174)-Carnival and Helicopter Museum

(2006-07-18 20:31:01) 下一个
by 冰溪

Carnival and Helicopter Museum

There is a small carnival that comes to our town every year. So we took the kids there last Thursday after dinner. The weather was perfect. The rain stopped that day and the temperature had cooled down quite a bit.

Olivia and Evan had a great time riding the mini rollercoaster (they rode it many times) and the Ferris wheel. They also took many airplane, elephant and swing rides, shot water pistols, played whack-a-mole and Olivia was also harnessed and jumped on a big trampoline showing off her dancing moves. Even Daddy got his part of the carnival treat as always: a funnel cake.

It was a fun filled summer evening. 



This past Saturday, we took Olivia and Evan to the American Helicopter Museum and Education Center in West Chester, the nation’s premier aviation museum devoted exclusively to helicopters.

The Museum displays over 35 civilian and military helicopters, autogiros and convertaplanes.  The exhibits span the history of rotary wing aircraft from the earliest helicopters to the latest addition to the nation's defense, the V-22 Osprey.

And you are right, I copied all this from the website :).

Olivia and Evan had a good time sitting in the seats of a number of helicopters, watching video clips, and going inside the V-22 tilt-rotor Osprey. Evan was especially interested in a model of a vertiport where the helicopters take off or land on top of a huge parking deck. The cars are parked inside the parking deck and the trains and the buses run underneath.

The museum also offers helicopter rides by appointment on certain dates throughout the year. Daddy and I think this would make a wonderful birthday gift idea.



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冰溪 回复 悄悄话 虽然两个小东西有时会drive me crazy,但确实是挺幸福滴:)

儿子小不知害羞,每天早上在幼儿园说再见时抱着妈妈的脸亲个不停. 妈妈呢则是从早到晚,逮着机会就会嘬一口:)但是也要注意数量,否则姐姐不高兴. 女儿呢, 虽说在公众场合会害羞,但是该亲的时侯妈妈还是照亲不务:), 在家就更是如此.
黄颜 回复 悄悄话 一儿一女,幸福啊!
asalways 回复 悄悄话 哦,差点忘记了,女儿会M-barrassed的。妈妈亲亲脸蛋蛋,没有关系吧?
asalways 回复 悄悄话 你瞅瞅,你瞅瞅,图文并茂啊!小朋友们的照片真有动感!