

(2010-06-27 16:53:54) 下一个









  • 承担材料物理本科生主干课程《材料物理性能测试》教学工作;

  • 参与材料物理本科生和材料物理与化学研究生课程建设和教学实验条件建设。


  • 开展纳米功能材料合成与表征研究工作,发表高水平学术论文;

  • 承担或参与国家自然科学基金项目研究工作。


  • 指导本科生进行课程设计、毕业设计和创新设计,协助指导硕士研究生;

  • 参与实验室建设和管理工作。



  • 品行端正,遵纪守法,严格自律;

  • 具有良好的职业道德,组织观念强;

  • 具有良好的团队合作精神、思路开阔,能够创造性地解决问题;

  • 自觉保守所聘岗位的机密,遵守相关法律法规和学校的有关规定。


  • 最后学历、学位:985院校研究生学历,博士学位,应届毕业生;

  •  学术水平:博士学位论文达到以前已获得全国百名优秀博士论文的基本水平;

  • 已有一年及以上的出国学习经历。


  • 具备承担本科生主干课程教学工作的能力;

  • 具有进行材料物理本科生和材料物理与化学研究生课程建设能力,可开设实验课程。


  • 主要科研方向为纳米功能材料合成与表征;

  • 博士期间作为第一和第二作者发表论文被SCI收录文章数量>10篇,影响因子累加和>40,影响因子>3的文章数量不少于5篇,单篇SCI他引次数>15次;

  • 作为项目主持人或主要研究人员,参与过国家自然科学基金项目、国家863项目、国家973项目、科技部支撑计划项目等国家级项目一项以上;

  • 有较好的学术报告演讲能力。


  • 具有协助指导本科生毕业设计和硕士研究生学位论文工作的经验;

  • 年龄不超过30岁。




人事处联系人:肖磊       电话:0451-86413179 

材料学院联系人:杨绮雯   电话:0451-86413909










Department: Department of Material Physics and Chemistry, School of Materials Science and Engineering

FT/PT: Full Time


     Department of Materials Physics and Chemistry in Harbin Institute of Technology was authorized to issue Master Degree and Ph. D degree, and open postdoctoral positions. In 1988, it was authorized to issue master degrees on the Metal logy Physics, and in 1998, it was authorized to issue Ph. D degrees on Materials Physics and Chemistry. The department is among the first group of key projects to be included in Project 211 and 985. Thousands of advanced technicians and scientists graduated from the department are working on materials designing, preparation, characterization, and applications. 90% of the faculties in the department have Ph. D degree, and 80% were studied in famous universities overseas. The department also equipped with advanced instruments for materials preparations, structure characterization, and properties testing.

 The main research area in materials physics and chemistry contains: functional nanomaterials, shape-memory materials, bio-medicine materials, functional composites, functional film materials, functional polymer materials, chemical energy materials, sensitive electronic materials, and nanostructures assemble and process. The department was awarded tens of National Scientific Awards, National Science Foundation of China Awards, and Provincial Scientific Awards. In recent three years, it is engaged in more than 30 research projects of National Natural Science Foundation, 863, 973 and etc. It has published over 210 research papers, including 30 papers with IF more than 3.0.  

2. Job Deion:

(1) Teaching:

u      Teach the course of “Testing the Physical Properties of Materials”;

u      Undertake construction the course of undergraduate and graduate and teaching experiment conditions in materials physics and chemistry.

(2) Scientific research

u      Work on the synthesis and characterization of functional nanomaterials, publishing high-quality scientific papers;

u      Participate in scientific research projects (National Science Foundation of China).

(3) Others:

u      Guide undergraduates in their study and research, including course design, graduation design, and innovation training. Assist the senior staff of the Lab to guide postgraduate students with the completion of master\'s degree subjects;

u      Undertake construction tasks of the laboratory.

3. Requirements:

(1) Educational background and qualification

u      Doctor’s degree is from “985” engineering universities;  

u      Academia level is equal to basic level of “One-Hundred Excellent PhD Thesis of China ”

u      Study abroad or overseas at least for one year.

(2) Requirements for teaching

u      Teach main course for undergraduates;

u      Construct the course for undergraduate and graduate; and teaching experiment courses in materials physics and chemistry.  

(3) Requirements for scientific research

u      The main research area is synthesis and characterization of functional nanomaterials;

u      Published more than 10 SCI-papers as first or second author during Ph.D. study, including the total SCI-IF > 40, more than 5 paper with IF > 3, and at least one paper with citations > 15;

u      Have experience in participating important research projects, such as, National Science Foundation of China, National High Technology Research and Development Program of China, National Project 973 and National Key Technology R&D Program;

u      Good quality in presentation of scientific talking.  

(4) Other requirements:

u      Guiding graduate design for undergraduates, and assist to guide the completion of Master project;

u      Less than 30 years old.

4. Applicant Instructions:

Send a current vita or resume (including photos and all other relating documents) to hitrsc@hit.edu.cn, with the title of email annotated: application-Name, and the search committee will begin evaluating applications as soon as possible and will continue until the position is filled.

If you have any question, please call:

Human Resource Department: Xiao Lei  Tel: 0451-86413179

School of Materials Science and Engineering: Yang Yiwen   Tel: 0451-86413909

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