


(2008-03-26 08:55:33) 下一个

2009 2008 Holiday Calendar 2008 2009

The tables below list the calendar days and dates of various calendar holidays and observances. The legal status of holidays varies from state to state and the U.S. national Federal government. Some holidays are "fixed" - for example, Christmas is always December 25. Other holidays are fixed only to a particular day of the week in relation to a particular week of a fixed month - for example, Mothers Day is always the second Sunday in May. The most complicated of calendar holidays is Easter Sunday - a "movable feast" that can occur in March or April and is determined by a complex mathematical procedure. The calendars below have a total of 13 fixed calendar date holidays + 8 holidays that are fixed to a certain day of the week - Sunday (2), Monday (5), and Thursday (1) - and the complex Easter Sunday holiday along with Good Friday. Holiday data is presented for calendar years 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010. Also, a Holiday Calendar near the bottom of the page can be used to find the dates of these holiday observances for any year. A US holiday list calendar follows.

Calendar Holidays and Observances

MLK Jr Day -- 3rd Monday in JanuaryJan 16Jan 15Jan 21Jan 19Jan 18
Presidents Day -- 3rd Monday in FebruaryFeb 20Feb 19Feb 18Feb 16Feb 15
Mothers Day -- 2nd Sunday in MayMay 14May 13May 11May 10May 9
Memorial Day -- Last Monday in MayMay 29May 28May 26May 25May 31
Fathers Day -- 3rd Sunday in JuneJun 18Jun 17Jun 15Jun 21Jun 20
Labor Day -- 1st Monday in SeptemberSep 4Sep 3Sep 1Sep 7Sep 6
Columbus Day -- 2nd Monday in OctoberOct 9Oct 8Oct 13Oct 12Oct 11
Thanksgiving -- 4th Thursday in NovemberNov 23Nov 22Nov 27Nov 26Nov 25
Good Friday -- 2 days before EasterApr 14Apr 6Mar 21Apr 10Apr 2
Easter Sunday -- March or AprilApr 16Apr 8Mar 23Apr 12Apr 4

  • New Years Day -- January 1
  • MLK Jr Day -- 3rd Monday in January
  • Groundhog Day -- February 2
  • Valentines Day -- February 14
  • Presidents Day -- 3rd Monday in February
  • St. Patricks Day -- March 17
  • April Fools Day -- April 1
  • Earth Day -- April 22
  • Cinco de Mayo -- May 5
  • Mothers Day -- 2nd Sunday in May
  • Memorial Day -- Last Monday in May
  • Flag Day -- June 14
  • Fathers Day -- 3rd Sunday in June
  • Independence Day -- July 4
  • Labor Day -- 1st Monday in September
  • Columbus Day -- 2nd Monday in October
  • Halloween -- October 31
  • Veterans Day -- November 11
  • Thanksgiving -- 4th Thursday in November
  • Christmas -- December 25
  • New Years Eve -- December 31
  • Good Friday -- 2 days before Easter
  • Easter Sunday -- March or April

When is Thanksgiving ??

Thanksgiving Day is the fourth Thursday in November. Since sometimes there are five Thursdays in November, Thanksgiving may not be on the last Thursday of the month. The earliest date for Thanksgiving is November 22. The latest date for Thanksgiving is November 28.

When is Easter ??

Easter date is a complex calculation involving the full moon and the spring (vernal) equinox. A correct statement is: 'Easter is the first Sunday after the first ecclesiastical full moon that occurs on or after March 21'. For details and additional information, please see: US Naval Observatory - Date of Easter. The earliest date for Easter is March 22. The latest date for Easter is April 25.

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