

My Favorite Poems (zt)

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My Favorite Poems (at least some of them...)

My own poetry (some is still a work in progress...)


Karin Boye

När morgonens sol genom rutan smyger,
glad och försiktig,
lik ett barn, som vill överraska
tidigt, tidigt en festlig dag --
då sträcker jag full av växande jubel
öppna famnen mot stundande dag --
ty dagen är du,
och ljuset är du,
solen är du,
och våren är du,
och hela det vackra, vackra,
väntande livet är du!
Karin Boye, "Moln"

O Captain My Captain
Walt Whitman

O Captain my Captain! our fearful trip is done,
The ship has weathered every rack, the prize we sought is won,
The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,
While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring;
But O heart! heart! heart!
O the bleeding drops of red,
Where on the deck my Captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead.
O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells;
Rise up--for you the flag is flung for you the bugle trills,
For you bouquets and ribboned wreaths for you the shores a-crowding,
For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning;
Here Captain! dear father!
This arm beneath your head!
It is some dream that on the deck,
You've fallen cold and dead.
My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still;
My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will;
The ship is anchored safe and sound, its voyage closed and done;
From fearful trip the victor ship comes in with object won;
Exult O shores, and ring O bells!
But I, with mournful tread,
Walk the deck my Captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead.

The Road Not taken - Robert Frost

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

When we two are parted - Lord Byron

When we two parted
In silence and tears,
Half broken-hearted,
To sever for years,
Pale grew thy cheek and cold,
Colder thy kiss;
Truly that hour foretold
Sorrow to this.
The dew of the morning
Sank chill on my brow
It felt like the warning
Of what I feel now.
Thy vows are all broken,
And light is thy fame:
I hear thy name spoken,
And share in its shame.
They name thee before me,
A knell to mine ear;
A shudder comes o'er me
Why wert thou so dear?
They know not I knew thee,
Who knew thee too well:
Long, long shall I rue thee
Too deeply to tell.
In secret we met
In silence I grieve
That thy heart could forget,
Thy spirit deceive.
If I should meet thee
After long years,
How should I greet thee?
With silence and tears.

I Remember you as you were - Pablo Neruda

Remember you as you were in the last autumn.
You were the grey beret and the still heart.
In your eyes the flames of the twilight fought on.
And the leaves fell in the water of your soul.
Clasping my arms like a climbing plant
the leaves garnered your voice, that was slow and at peace.
Bonfire of awe in which my thirst was burning.
Sweet blue hyacinth twisted over my soul.
I feel your eyes traveling, and the autumn is far off:
Grey beret, voice of a bird, heart like a house
Towards which my deep longings migrated
And my kisses fell, happy as embers.
Sky from a ship. Field from the hills:
Your memory is made of light, of smoke, of a still pond!
Beyond your eyes, farther on, the evenings were blazing.
Dry autumn leaves revolved in your soul.

Nicklas' Poems

My True Love

I often wondered if true love existed, and today I know it does.

I know that what I feel for you, I have never felt before and will never feel again.

Your smile makes my heart melt and if I ever doubt how I feel, all I do is look at you and I fall in love all over again.

I never question why, but I always appreciate every moment I get to spend with you and I know that moment will last forever in my heart.

True love is what you have shown me and I never knew what it felt like until the day I fell in love with you.

I will always cherish you, my true love.

Everywhere I go

Everywhere I go, I see your face in the sea of people, in buildings, stores, and cars passing by me. Everywhere I am, I can feel your presence, just as if you were right next to me again. I eventually realize that you are not there, nor will you ever be again.

I often wonder to myself if I will ever see you again, will I ever hear your voice once more, feel your touch of your soft skin against mine, or will I forever be lost with your ghostly presence surrounding me as life goes on.

Many years from now I will continue looking at the crowds, wondering, are you there, looking back at me or is my mind playing tricks on me once more as it has many times before.

Everywhere I will go, I will see your face, and your presence will be there as you were walking right next to me as you once were before. Everywhere I will go, I will hear your voice, see your smile, feel like you are back where you belong.

You once told me that you would forever be there with me, never leave me no matter what happened, but that day has now passed, and you are forever gone from my life and all I have left is your ghostly presence no matter where I go.

©Nicklas Sandberg

Will you wait for me?

Will you wait for me? I know I am asking for a lot, but please will you wait for me?

I know I am in a lot of pain and am trying to heal my wounds, but I need you to please wait for me and help me ease my pain.

Days, weeks, maybe even years will pass before all of my wounds are healed and all my pain is relieved, and I know I am asking you for a lot, but please, will you wait for me?

©Nicklas Sandberg, Winter 2004

Do you remember?

Do you remember, when we were young and free, free to do what we pleased, to smell the newly cut grass in the summertime, pick fresh apples from the trees, play in the fields of flowers, at the beach where we would play in the sand and breathe the fresh ocean air.

We were young, happy and free to believe the whole world was ours to conquer, to do as we pleased and never say no to anything which would give us pleasure.

Much time has passed since those days, and our paths have once more crossed. We try to remember the days when we were young, free and able to do what we pleased.

Do you remember, I asked, but by the look on your face and the sorrow in your eyes, I can tell you have long forgotten the days when we were young, free and pleased to do as we wanted. I turn around and walk away, sad to think that you have forgotten our glory days.

Many years pass and our paths once more cross, I walk past you, but as I do, I feel a hand on my shoulder and I turn to see your face. Your eyes unchanged, the same gloomy look, but your mouth whisper to me, I do remember, I remember the days when we were young, free and pleased to do whatever we wanted. Our bodies embraced and I whisper to you, I never forgot.

©Nicklas Sandberg, Winter 2004

The First Kiss

The first time your lips touched mine, my whole world started spinning, my body tingled from head to toe and back again. Your lips, soft as the softest silk, warm like the summer night, your breath sweet like a strawberry picked freshly from the field.

I will never forget that moment, the moment all time stood still and I held your face in my hands, our lips touching gently like the butterfly’s wings on its first flight.

Our hearts beating in unison with each beat, our hands discovering each other’s bodies as only new lovers’ hands could.

For each moment which passes, I will forever remember the first kiss, the first time our lips touched and our lives changed forever. Your kiss will forever be a part of my heart, the kiss which forever changed my life.

©Nicklas Sandberg

Accident - Nicklas Sandberg, 2004

One day we met by accident

We met by mistake, by destiny, by fate

You were the stars, the sun, and the moon in my life

I would hold your hand and look in your deep blue eyes and dream of our future together

I would dream of our children growing up before us, playing on the beach

Our house with a sunflower garden, tulips and roses.

I knew the day would come when you would be gone, forever out of my life, but I held on to my dreams, my fate, and my destiny.

Each day passes by and the seasons change before my eyes, and not one day passes by where my heart does not ache for your touch, your smile, and your deep blue eyes.

I will forever miss what I never had with you, my future, my fate, my destiny.

My destiny is now gone perhaps lost forever

My destiny is never what it will ever be, or what it ever was

I will forever search for someone like you in my life’s journey, someone to become my fate, my destiny, my future.

© Nicklas Sandberg


Missing - Nick Sandberg, 1999

You sat there at the table looking out


I looked at you and asked how you are


All I would ever get for an answer was fine


I could always tell in your eyes that you were missing something


A part of you, which would never come back


A part that you could never find


Months passed and turned in to years


Months which were quiet


Years which were empty


Until one day I came home to find a note


A note only saying one thing


I am sorry


Years have passed now and I can only hope that you have found what was missing


That one part of you that you never found here


Now I sit at the table and look out; looking up to see if I can see you there, smiling down at me letting me know that everything will be ok again


© Nicklas Sandberg

The Brightest Star - Nick Sandberg, 1998


I remember your touch, your scent the very first time I met you

Your hair, soft as a wind from east in the summer, filled with a scent of flowers


When we sat down to talk, I could see your mouth move, and words come out,

Nevertheless, all I could see was the most wonderful lips, soft as the smoothest silk


I looked in to your eyes, blue as the sky itself, deeper than any ocean


I could sit here and look at your face, dream of a future in the far distance.


Your warm touch, gently caressing my skin


I kept thinking; please let this moment never end


However, the day would come when all this would end, and you would become but a memory


The summer ended, and you had to say good-bye;

Now the summer is here again, and I walk down the path we walked


Looking for you, hoping that you would show up; running towards me with open arms


But, the summer came and went, and you never did show up at my path, or at my door


I look to the sky at night and see all the stars glimmer; and I think to myself, are you there;


Are you one of the bright stars, glimmering in the sky, looking for your soul mate?


Years passing and I feel I will never know, if you were my star or not.


© Nicklas Sandberg


Why did you go?
Why did you leave me behind with all this?
I miss you so much and every day is worse
Why could you not stay, why?
You were everything to me and now you are gone.
All I have left is my memories of you, and they are almost gone too
Why, why did you leave us with one thought in our minds, why did you have to die?

Written by © Nicklas Sandberg
May 4, 1998

At First Sight

I never believed in love at first sight, until the day I met you.

When I first saw you walking towards me, my heart was beating faster than I ever imagined it could beat, my stomach twisting and turning out of excitement.

Looking in to your eyes, all I could think of was how much I wanted to kiss your lips, touch your soft skin, smell your hair, caress you in my arms and never let go.

It was at first sight of you that I knew I had to have you; I had to kiss you, hold you and never let you go. I know you will never know how much I want you to be part of my life, be the part that completes me as a man.

It was at first sight I knew that fairy tales do come true, true love does exist and even love at first sight does happen in real life.

©Nicklas Sandberg

May, 2004


The first time was for fun

The second time was to relive memories

By the third time, it was part of me

Part of who I was, part of who I wanted to be

I told everyone it was never serious

It was for fun alone, and never to be someone

It is never a need, but a want

You became my love, my lust, my life

My demise, my misery, my death

By now, it is who I am, part of me, or me part of it?

I can never leave it nor can it leave me

I am not addicted, nor do I need it

Or so I tell myself as I keep feeding it

Is it an addiction when it becomes part of you?

Do I need it, or does it need me?

Now I am cold, shivering and scared

Can I break it before it is too late?

It has broken me and become who I once was

Now I am gone, and will never live to tell

The dream I once wanted became my hell

©Nicklas Sandberg, 2004

Am I strong enough?

You always told me to be strong even when my whole world was falling apart, you held my hand, told me everything will be ok again, never give up on yourself.

You would hold me and I would feel like I could conquer the world again, no mountain was too tall, no challenge was tough enough, the world was mine and yours.

Now that my world is dark and cold, I need you more than ever to tell me that everything will be ok again, but you are not here.

I reach out with my hand, but no one is there to take it, you are forever gone. I look to the heavens above and I ask, why, but no one answers me anymore. I try to be strong even though I feel like I am falling apart.

I need your touch more than ever, I need you to tell me that everything will be ok, I need you to tell me that I can conquer the world again and that I can climb any mountain and no challenge is tough enough.

But all I can feel is an empty spot where you were, I am cold now and no one is here to warm me, my light is dimming and my strength is gone, I am losing this final battle to myself, now that you are not near me.

©Nicklas Sandberg, 2004


I n a season of change where leaves change to vibrant colors of yellow and red, where trees shed their leaves making room for the new season.

I n this vibrant season, a girl with the most vibrant personality is born.

Fifty years have passed since this day, many seasons have come and gone and this vibrant girl has become the most loving woman.

Through the seasons, her life has been enriched with the gifts of laughter, joys and smiles, but most important of all, the gift of love that her two daughters brought.

This glorious day, many who has been touched by her love for life and her unconditional love for those who love her, celebrates yet another glorious season of change.

Laughter smiles, laughter and love have filled the hearts of many that have crossed her path through these fifty seasons. May the coming seasons be as celebrated and filled with love as the seasons that have passed.

©Nicklas S. Sandberg, August 2002.

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