Penlope Cruz主演的西班牙片,写一家三代女性深受家庭暴力、性凌辱之害。Penlope在电影里性感异常。西班牙片与欧洲片美国片都有所不同

Written and directed by Spanish filmmaker
Pedro Almodóvar, this humorous fantasy stars
Carmen Maura as Abuela Irene, who revisits her hometown in the La Mancha region -- in spectral form -- to resolve problems she couldn't settle during her life. Abuela's spirit gradually becomes a reassuring presence to her daughters (
Penélope Cruz, in an Oscar-nominated performance, and
Lola Dueñas) and granddaughter (
Yohana Cobo).
The Last King of Scotland
乌干达独裁者阿明的故事,Forest Whitaker 演出卓绝,得奥斯卡最佳男主角实属荣归,是部不该错过的电影

Forest Whitaker stars in an Oscar- and Golden Globe-winning role as brutal Ugandan dictator Idi Amin in this drama. During an African medical mission in the 1970s, Scottish doctor Nicholas Garrigan (
James McAvoy) impresses Amin by acting swiftly in a crisis. Installed as the dictator's personal physician soon thereafter, Garrigan enjoys the perks of his new position, until he begins to become aware of Amin's inhumanity -- and his own complicity.
Hotel Rwanda
Hannibal Rising

Basic Instinct 2

Sharon Stone reprises her star-making role as seductive novelist Catherine Tramell in a sequel that begins where the ice pick left off. Charged with the murder of her fiancé, Catherine faces questioning from Scotland Yard-appointed psychiatrist Michael Glass (
David Morrissey), who has the training to withstand her mind games, but may not possess the willpower.
Charlotte Rampling and
David Thewlis provide support in this Razzie winner for Worst Picture.
The rate is $1/movie.
I am not sure if Netflx could remain relavent in the future, though Blockbuster is surely dead meet.
Netflix是由Reed Hastings於1997年創立,主要會員線上服務則是自1999年開始提供,他最初的構想只是單純的提供線上租片服務,以結合一般美國人對電影的熱愛與懶得出門只想待在沙發上的習慣,但是隨著網路使用者的增加以及DVD的普及,Netflix迅速成長茁壯,由1999年的10.7萬名會員增加至目前的超過5百萬名會員,從財務報表來看,2005年Netflix的營收高達6.8億美元,以市場價值來看,Netflix的市值約13.8億美元,更是將原本電影租片業的老大哥—百視達(Blockbuster,市值約7.2億美元)遠遠拋在後頭。
如今,在Netflix的網站上,有多達6萬種的DVD可供挑選(一般坊間影片出租店只有大約1千種),每天有1.4百萬個帶著Netflix標誌的紅色小包裹在美國各地運送,每年運送的DVD總重量高達1.7萬公噸,儘管每天運送的數目如此之多,但令人驚訝的是90%的訂戶都能在一天之內收到想要觀賞的DVD;至於在顧客滿意度的部分,Netflix更是不遑多讓,連續兩年在ForeSee Results/FGI Research發表的線上零售滿意度指數(Online Retail Satisfaction Index)中拔得頭籌。
相對的,Netflix則提供一個嶄新的租片模式,新的Netflix用戶只要透過以下的簡單步驟,不用出門也可以觀賞到喜愛的影片:1. 首先到Netflix的網站加入會員並選擇付費方案(詳如表一)。2. 從超過6萬部影片中挑選建立個人的影片清單。3. Netflix會依照付費方案以及清單的順序寄出排名最前面的影片。4. 訂戶收到影片後,想看多久就看多久,沒有到期日,當然也沒有逾期罰金。5. Netflix收到DVD後會將清單中接下來排名的影片寄出。6. 訂戶可以隨時上Netflix網站編輯清單內容以及對影片評分。
8 at-a-time (Unlimited) for $47.99
Unlimited rentals - up to 8 movies out at a time for a flat monthly fee of $47.99.
7 at-a-time (Unlimited) for $41.99
Unlimited rentals - up to 7 movies out at a time for a flat monthly fee of $41.99.
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Unlimited rentals - up to 6 movies out at a time for a flat monthly fee of $35.99.
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Unlimited rentals - up to 5 movies out at a time for a flat monthly fee of $29.99.
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Unlimited rentals - up to 4 movies out at a time for a flat monthly fee of $20.99.
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Unlimited rentals - up to 3 movies out at a time for a flat monthly fee of $15.99.
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Unlimited rentals - up to 2 movies out at a time for a flat monthly fee of $12.99.
1 at-a-time (Unlimited) for $8.99
Unlimited rentals - up to 1 movie out at a time for a flat monthly fee of $8.99.
1 at-a-time (2 a month) for $4.99
Up to 2 rentals a month - up to 1 movie out at a time for a flat monthly fee of $4.99. Learn More.