


(2007-03-23 02:02:39) 下一个

我的教育成绩。 百年树木,十年树人。 老夫乐也。下面是冬冬同学的两篇习作,供大家参考:

It is more important to spend more time on work than with family. What is your opinion? Work and family are two of the most important things in a person’s life. In my opinion, we should spend more time with family than on work. Family is unique to us in every single way. While we can pursue different jobs in our lives, we have only one family. Family consists of people that we should truly treasure. They will never give up on us in times of hardship or crisis. Therefore we should cherish the moments spent with them, and more importantly, to spend more time with them. Life is too short to get hold of things that do not last. We can jolly well acquire the sense of satisfaction from the success of work in certain stages of our lives. However, after decades of hard work and tough competition, what can be left of us are usually superficial and materialistic. We will come to realize that the time spent on working cruelly deprived the perpetual joy of sharing moments with our loved ones. When we have experienced the randomness of life, we will know that family is the only thing that lasts forever. I left my family for further studies in another country when I was thirteen years old. I spent the next five years without my family and found that a big part of me was missing. While all my friends were dying to get away from their family, I was willing to give anything to spend more time with my loved ones, for I came to realize that my family has always been a tremendous support for me, and nothing else matters compared to it. Who else would care and cherish us like family does? Who else would ignore our bad habits and accept us as who we are? Our family is everything to us and that is why we should spend more time with them. -------------------------------all copyrights are reserved by Dongdong and Franklin English Language College.

It is more important for teachers to have a good relationship with their students than to have professional knowledge, agree or not?

A good teacher is essential to every student as he or she enriches students’ lives by passing on important knowledge to them. In my opinion, it is more important for teachers to have professional knowledge than to have a good relationship with their students because teachers are only responsible for educating students with specific knowledge in each professional field, which is vital for every student’s future.
Teachers should have professional knowledge in order to pass on crucial information to us students. As an old saying goes, “Knowledge is power.” Henceforth, the more knowledge we can obtain from our teachers, the more powerful we will eventually become. This is especially important in today’s competitive society.
Equipped with professional knowledge, teachers are more capable of making connections between our school academics and real professional situations, thereby bridging us with future working aspects, which could be a tremendous privilege for students. Also, knowledgeable teachers are a greater help in our learning process when we encounter with technical difficulties.
I agree that maintaining a good relationship with students is important for communication and interpretation; however, it is best to draw a distinct line between teachers and students for the optimum outcome of education. For instance, if a teacher treats students like friends, the relationship between them will become more of a casual one rather than a solemn interaction with educational purposes. Furthermore, when teachers display a certain liking for any particular group of students, favoritism occurs. This is not only unfair to the other students but also interrupts normal teaching and learning. Therefore it is crucial for teachers to concentrate more on pure professional teaching rather than to have a good relationship with students during teaching and interacting.
In conclusion, a good teacher should have adequate knowledge to provide students with a cohesive and fair learning environment, where students can demonstrate respect for the teacher and see him or her as a role model of success.

------------------all copyrights are reserved by Dongdong and Franklin English Language College.

托福阅读中必考单词1200个 和托福阅读中看到必须认识的1800个单词. 这三千单词不需要死记。前面的1200要下点功夫,把同义词找出来;后面的1800看到能认出就可以了。这是我本人十几年托福教学得出的真经。
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