

Take It Slow (I Want You to Know) —— 关于四种曲风的探索 (长文)

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这又是一首因为论坛闲聊写出的歌曲。前几天瓜兄发了首《小棉袄》,我回帖感叹我们家不到10岁的“神兽”一身反骨,扎心又扎肉。我终于做完了明天坛里的活动曲目,今天又觉得无聊了,于是开始想要写些什么。于是愉快滴决定以这扎心扎肉的“小棉袄”为引子,写了一首英文歌,讲的是Gen Alpha女儿变身成了浑身是刺的小刺猬,在学习独立、建立边界的过程中随着生理和心理的变化,开始经历一些情绪波动,表现出了坏脾气和不耐烦。而我作为家长感受到了这种变化并对此表示理解,同时鼓励引导她健康成长,走向更成熟的未来。


站在成年人的角度来看,这首歌非常适合做成抒情流行歌曲(Pop Ballad)和独立流行音乐(Indie Pop)


Pop Ballad: 适合制作有情感深度、温暖治愈、强调情感共鸣和旋律抒发的歌曲

Indie Pop: 通常融合多种风格(电子、民谣、轻摇滚等等)以及实验性的编曲,让歌曲的情感更独立自由且富有创意

站在Gen Alpha的角度,做成K-Pop或者Pop Punk一类的风格接受度会比较高,但合不合适两说……



(PS: 剧透一下,这么多曲风这个风格最不搭,也许是我年纪大了,哈哈,K Pop的曲子仅供娱乐)

Pop Punk: 节奏感强烈、情感直白、富有能量、年轻化富有自由精神,适合表达反叛精神和自我表现


Pop Ballad:

Prompt:?Pop ballad with soft piano, strings, and subtle percussion. Emotional, slow tempo and powerful vocal delivery, heartfelt atmosphere


这版有点可惜的是我本来想在“Since when? You started to change”这两句中制造一种惊讶、手足无措、戏剧性的钝感,谁知道没成功…… 没关系,不影响理解。这一处不是语法错误……


Take It Slow

Lyrics/Music Design Direction: Aubrey Morrow (暮子默)

Music Vocals: Suno

[Soft Piano Notes]
[Gentle Strings]
[Tender Atmosphere]

Take it slow, oh take it slow

[Muted Guitar Picking]
[Moderate Tempo]
[Tender Emotion]
[Verse 1]

Hey honey,
You say you don’t want me
to call you baby
You’re a pre-teen,
No longer my tiny little bean

[Subtle Percussion]
[Slow Build-up]
[Confusion, Wonder]
[Verse 2]

That’s so strange
Since when? You started to change
Like an angry hedgehog
Your quills stand tall
with every word we talk

[Layered Strings]
[Emotional Build-Up]
[Reflective Tension]
[Chorus 1]

How can I forget?
That’s how growing up is met.
Oh Dear,
You must be confused about your emotions
You must have lots of questions

[Light Synths]
[Upbeat Rhythm]
[Supportive, Reassurance]
[Chorus 2]

I want you to know
You are never alone, (oh you know?)
I’m here to help you grow
I believe you will glow


[Soft Percussion]
[Piano, Strings]
[Gentle Reflection]

Life is mixed with happiness and sorrow
Many feelings are bitter to swallow
Your quills are your protection when they show
But don’t let them push love away as you go
Take it slow, oh take it slow

[Emotional Peak]
[Strong Crescendo]
[Powerful Precussion]
[Final Chorus]

I want you to know
You are never alone, (oh you know?)
I’m here to help you grow
I believe you will glow

[Electric Guitar, Strings]
[Gentle Fade]
[Calm Assurance]

I want you to know
You are never alone, (oh you know?)
I’m here to help you grow
I believe you will glow

[Fading Piano Notes]
[Soft Echoes]
[Melancholic Silence]


Indie Pop:

Prompt:?Indie pop song with warm electric guitar,? soft synths,? light percussion, catchy, emotional,?relaxed rhythm and modern feel



Take It Slow

Lyrics/Music Design Direction: Aubrey Morrow (暮子默)

Music Vocals: Suno

[Softer Piano Notes]
[Gentle Strings]
[Warm Atmosphere]
[Gradual Crescendo]

Take it slow, oh take it slow

[Verse 1]
[Muted Guitar Picking]
[Moderate Tempo]
[Tender Emotion]
[Emotional Build-Up]

Hey honey,
You say you don’t want me
to call you baby
You’re a pre-teen,
No longer my tiny little bean

[Verse 2]
[Light Percussion]
[Moderate Tempo]
[Subtle Emotion]
[Emotional Growth]

That’s so strange
Since when? You started to change
Like an angry hedgehog
Your quills stand tall
with every word we talk

[Chorus 1]
[Electric Guitar, Bass]
[Upbeat Rhythm]
[Emotional Peak]

[Strong Crescendo]
How can I forget?
That’s how growing up is met.
Oh Dear,
You must be confused about your emotions
You must have lots of questions

[Chorus 2]
[Electric Guitar, Synth, Bass]
[Upbeat Rhythm]
[Strong Crescendo]
[Supportive Reassurance]

I want you to know
You are never alone
I’m here to help you grow
I believe you will glow

[Synth Pad, Percussion]
[Slow Tempo]
[Reflective Emotion]
[Gradual Crescendo]

Life is mixed with happiness and sorrow
Many feelings are bitter to swallow
Your quills are your protection when they show
But don’t let them push love away as you go
Take it slow, oh take it slow

[Electric Guitar, Soft Percussion]
[Soft Rhythm]
[Emotional Resolution]
[Gradual Fade-Out]

I want you to know
You are never alone
I’m here to help you grow
I believe you will glow

[Soft Echoing Synths]
[Emotional Peace]
[Soft Fade-Out]


K Pop:

Prompt:K-pop song with upbeat tempo,? synths,? electronic drums,? and emotional build-up,? Powerful chorus with strong beat and danceable rhythm




妈2: 这首比较古早风,更像美式(RB Pop)风格



Take It Slow

Lyrics/Music Design Direction: Aubrey Morrow (暮子默)

Music Vocals: Suno

[Electronic Drums]
[Dynamic Build-Up]

Take it slow, oh take it slow

[Verse 1]
[Electronic Bass]
[Fast Tempo]
[Upbeat Rhythm]
[Bright Emotion]

Hey honey,
You say you don’t want me
to call you baby
You’re a pre-teen,
No longer my tiny little bean

[Verse 2]
[Electronic Percussion]
[Fast Tempo]
[Groovy Bass]
[Excited Emotion]

That’s so strange
Since when? You started to change
Like an angry hedgehog
Your quills stand tall
with every word we talk

[Synth Layers]
[Fast Tempo]
[Emotional Build-Up]

How can I forget?
That’s how growing up is met.
Oh Dear,
You must be confused about your emotions
You must have lots of questions

[Electronic Bass, Synths]
[Strong Beat]
[Powerful Crescendo]
[Danceable Rhythm]

I want you to know
You are never alone, oh you know?
I’m here to help you grow
I believe you will glow

[Syncopated Percussion]
[Slow Tempo]
[Reflective Emotion]
[Subtle Build-Up]

Life is mixed with happiness and sorrow
Many feelings are bitter to swallow
Your quills are your protection when they show
But don’t let them push love away as you go
Take it slow, oh take it slow

[Synths, Light Percussion]
[Slow Fade-Out]
[Reassuring Build-Up]

I want you to know
You are never alone, oh you know?
I’m here to help you grow
I believe you will glow


Pop Punk:

Prompt:Pop punk song with energetic guitar riffs,? driving drums,? and catchy hooks, fast tempo,? rebellious tone,? and anthemic chorus


[Electric Guitar Riffs]
[Driving Drums]
[Upbeat Rhythm]
[Rebellious Tone]

Take it slow, oh take it slow

[Verse 1]
[Fast Guitar Strums]
[Moderate Tempo]
[Emotional Build-Up]

Hey honey,
You say you don’t want me
to call you baby
You’re a pre-teen,
No longer my tiny little bean

[Verse 2]
[Electric Bass]
[Fast Rhythm]
[Confusion, Tension]

That’s so strange
Since when? You started to change
Like an angry hedgehog
Your quills stand tall
with every word we talk

[Upbeat Guitar Strums]
[Emotional Tension]

How can I forget?
That’s how growing up is met.
Oh Dear,
You must be confused about your emotions
You must have lots of questions

[Electric Guitar, Drums]
[Driving Rhythm]
[Strong Crescendo]
[Powerful Emotion]

I want you to know
You are never alone, oh you know?
I’m here to help you grow
I believe you will glow

[Electric Guitar Solo]
[Strong Emotional Build-Up]
[Instrumental Interlude]

[Electric Guitar Riffs]
[Slow Build-Up]
[Reflective Emotion]

Life is mixed with happiness and sorrow
Many feelings are bitter to swallow
Your quills are your protection when they show
But don’t let them push love away as you go
Take it slow, oh take it slow

[Fast Guitar Strums]
[Gradual Fade]

I want you to know
You are never alone, oh you know?
I’m here to help you grow
I believe you will glow

[Big Finish]

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