Working [Wall $treet] Smart

If you are walking down Wall $treet thinking, How do I get interviews in these high-rising buildings; if everyone you know...

RANT: Wall Street says Happy Holidays!

(2006-01-01 13:00:25) 下一个
As investors anticipate fourth-quarter results, so do the hard-working men and women of Wall Street. This time of year is known as the bonus season, and it's when the real money gets made. Accoridng to New York magazine, Goldman Sachs will dole out the $11 billion it's set aside for incentives, meaning the average employee will receive over $500,000.

Bonus rules Wall Street - what a novel idea to reward late hours and hard sweats. What other industries pay out half their revenue as compensation?

Category: C++ Quant > From the Trenches

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