

Pray for Israel day 1

(2024-08-06 11:18:02) 下一个

Thus saith the LORD God; This is Jerusalem I have set it in the midst of the Nations and countries that are around about her.

Yes, This is Jerusalem. This is LORD chosen Land.
No country is like you, Holy Land is your identity.
No Nations could change you, for New Jerusalem is your destiny.

O LORD Yeshua, Your will and creation will never fail 
since the first day she is born, You keep her under your beloved arms.
House of Jecob changes to Israel.
House of David changes to Judah.

O LORD Adonai, please let me claim Jesus Christ’s blood all over the door and windows of the city.
Let all the people’s faith on the ROCK become sacrifices.
Let all saints ‘ spirit submit and surrender to your governmental reigning.
Let all the children of God be educated under your Words.

Yes, all the nations will bow down their head  to the lion’s roar.
All the countries will cry out their voices for Your kingdom coming.

Oh, Yeshua, when your finger points to Jerusalem,
It is the time all the lions will rise up to roar.
It is the time all the people of Zion will look upon the LORD.
It is the time all the children of Israel will change their name to yeshua!

They will roar against all the darkness hovering upon the sky.
They will march towards the frontiers for hosts of Yeshua  be with them.
They will soar up high to the throne of the Almighty, down load the strategies, secret hidden Rhema, for no one could access to.
They will be handed in David’s key to the treasure of the Almighty the most high!
They will praise and praise and worship and worship until the wall of evil is destroyed .

O LORD let all our hearts be filled with your glory like sunset kissing the land, like the dew touching the grass.

O LORD may your peace and grace fall upon your beloved bride Jerusalem.

In Yeshua ‘s name I pray, Amen!

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