Three Cultural Dimensions in Human Society
(2024-07-02 05:20:57)
The problematic is that, according to my viewpoint, there are structurally three cultural dimensions in human society:
Ideology(religion): relationship between human and Idea(spirit);
Economy: relationship between human and material;
Politics: relationship between human and human.
And based on these three aspects, there are more complicated forms or modes, such as:
1)the balanced and coordinated, as in ancient Greece;
2)the ideology-dominated as in Medieval;
3)the economy-dominated as in modern times;
4)the politics-dominated as in the Orient;
5)the various mixed ones as in under-developed nations;
6)the artificially-integrated in some unilaterally-developed nations as the former Soviet
Union and the Nazi Germany.
I use the term artificially means it is not a natural social mode but a transgenic one,
hence politically the autocracy, ideologically the Utopanist or racist heresy, and economically the
state-monopoly. There are infinite conflicts within, contained only by violence and lying.