
2024 走马观花意大利 - 罗马假日

(2024-10-12 12:13:16) 下一个

三天的罗马行程结束了  千年的古迹,陈旧的市建,拥挤不堪的公共交通和交织的游客和谱共处着。 半夜被叫起来看Tesla 的robo taxi 想像着不久将来要是罗马的街头都是robo taxi 会是什么样的景象


From airport, take Leonardo  Express train to reach city Center, $15. 30 minutes ride.   We made a mistake and took the regional train, it was slow and confusing.


Hotel: Genova Hotel  10/8 - 10/11.

10/8, Basilica of St. Mary of the Angels and of the Martyrs , one of Michelangelo's many projects

Trevi Fountain,  人山人海。 unfortunately it’s all fenced off and you can’t really get close to the fountain, not to say tossing a coin.

Spanish Steps 《罗马假日》中的西班牙台阶


10/9 DAY 1

AM: Vatican museum. Sistine chapel.    梵蒂冈博物馆的收藏可谓世界之最,从古罗马到文艺复兴上下几千年,令人眼花缭乱

Colosseum $24 2:15.   Arch of Constantine.   Forum Romanum & Palatine Hill

   Lunch: Piazza Venezia.    Ristorante Roof Garden


  Piazza Venezia;  Altare della Patria (nicknamed ‘wedding cake’), top obesevation deck $8, check the hours.   

  Evening. Italian Opera.  Opera:  https://www.operaguide.com/en/rome/music-and-stage/italian-opera-experience/2KX6Dbl1

  Walk to Punto Umberto


10/10 DAY 2

AM: 早起去 St. Peter’s Square,七点到的,已经有一些人排队了。St. Peter’s Basilica (圣彼得大教堂, free, open 7AM (go at 7AM or 6PM) , largest church in the world - sculptures by Bernini; dome ceiling painted by Michelangelo (real gold leaf); Pieta, Michelangelo’s most famous sculpture.


   下午: Pantheon, Campo de’ Fiori (market), Campidoglio (Capitoline Hill), Mouth of Truth,

Piazza Navona ;  Sant'Agnese in Agone is a 17th-century Baroque church in Rome,

Giardino degli Aranci (didn’t go)


10/11 Day 2.5

    Borghese Gallery & Villa Borghese , gallery and garden $16。  Borghese 公爵是个花花公子兼太子党, 收了无数的名画,名雕塑.  we overslept and didn’t go.

        Piazzo del Popolo, people’s square

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