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Study: Tai Chi May Help Prevent Shingles

(2007-04-10 13:03:23) 下一个
A recent research shows that Tai Chi’s benefits are beyond merely physical fitness. It may help prevent shingles---a kind of painful rash in skin caused by reappearance of dominant chickenpox virus. Most shingle patients are older than 50, because human immunity system weakens in golden ages.

Scientists studied two groups of people aged from 59 to 89 who had chickenpox before and accepted chickenpox vaccine. One group took Tai Chi class three times a week, the other group worked on healthy diet and stress management. After six weeks, Tai Chi group gained an immunity level against shingle about twice higher than the other group. It is not clear how Tai Chi can help human immunity system. However, the research does prove that Tai Chi, which works both with muscles and minds, benefits older people in many aspects.
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