
Market analysis from one of my clients with charts

(2023-10-29 04:01:47) 下一个

Market may crash not seeing that as the most likely path the market will take.
To the upside, clearly, we need to break back over 4165SPX to begin to view that the rally I expect has begun.
Our parameters are now set for our next several months.  How the market takes shape over the next 2-3 months can have quite serious near-term and long-term ramifications for our financial future.  So, I am going to take a very cautious stance in both my analysis and my personal financial planning.  But, please keep in mind that this is not written in stone.  There is still a strong alternative that I will be tracking that can still point us back to the 4800SPX region.  However, for now, I have to make that my alternative count, at least until I have stronger indications that this is what the market intends to do into 2024.  
I sincerely hope I have conveyed the seriousness with which I have written this market update.  It is likely one of the most difficult ones I have had to write in my 12-year career as a market analyst.  While it is certainly not written in stone that this is what will happen in the coming months, the environment for such a market decline is now in place. Please do not treat that lightly until the market provides us with additional proof that the downside set up will not take shape.

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