

California’s Leash Laws

(2024-09-30 11:57:55) 下一个

In general, California’s leash laws require owners to keep their dogs on a leash in public places, common areas of private property, and their own properties that aren’t enclosed by a fence or wall.

Walking around with an unleashed canine or letting it roam free in a public park is essentially illegal. Doing so violates the law and increases the likelihood of a dog bite.

A public place can be scary or overwhelming for a dog, with many possible triggers. They would be much harder to control or pacify if they weren’t on a leash. Additionally, unfamiliar places make them anxious, even on private property with only a few people.

For this reason, owners often find themselves caught up in a dog bite injury claim. So, unless the property owner explicitly gives you consent to take your dog off the leash within their premises, it would be best to follow the law to prevent dog bites.

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