


(2024-06-25 16:42:36) 下一个

Besides male and female, there are 72 other genders, which include the following:

  1. Agender: A person who does not identify themselves with or experience any gender. Agender people are also called null-gender, genderless, gendervoid, or neutral gender.
  2. Abimegender: Associated with being profound, deep, and infinite. The term abimegender may be used alone or in combination with other genders.
  3. Adamas gender: A gender that is indefinable or indomitable. People identifying with this gender refuse to be categorized in any particular gender identity.
  4. Aerogender: Also called evaisgender, this gender identity changes according to one’s surroundings.
  5. Aesthetigender: Also called aesthetgender, it is a type of gender identity derived from aesthetics.
  6. Affectugender: This is based on the person’s mood swings or fluctuations.
  7. Agenderflux: A person with this gender identity is mostly agender with brief shifts of belonging to other gender types.
  8. Alexigender: The person has a fluid gender identity between more than one type of gender although they cannot name the genders they feel fluid in.
  9. Aliusgender: This gender identity stands apart from existing social gender constructs. It means having a strong specific gender identity that is neither male nor female.
  10. Amaregender: Having a gender identity that changes depending on the person one is emotionally attached to.
  11. Ambigender: Having two specific gender identities simultaneously without any fluidity or fluctuations.
  12. Ambonec: The person identifies themselves as both man and woman and yet does not belong to either.
  13. Amicagender: A gender-fluid identity where a person changes their gender depending on the friends they have.
  14. Androgyne: A person feels a combination of feminine and masculine genders.
  15. Anesigender: The person feels close to a specific type of gender despite being more comfortable in closely identifying themselves with another gender.
  16. Angenital: The person desires to be without any primary sexual characteristics although they do not identify themselves as genderless.
  17. Anogender: The gender identity fades in and out in intensity but always comes back to the same gendered feeling.
  18. Anongender: The person has a gender identity but does not label it or would prefer to not have a label.
  19. Antegender: A protean gender that can be anything but is formless and motionless.
  20. Anxiegender: This gender identity has anxiety as its prominent characteristic.
  21. Apagender: The person has apathy or a lack of feelings toward one's gender identity.
  22. Apconsugender: It means knowing what are not the characteristics of gender but not knowing what are its characteristics. Thus, a person hides its primary characteristics from the individual.
  23. Astergender: The person has a bright and celestial gender identity.
  24. Astral gender: Having a gender identity that feels to be related to space.
  25. Autigender: Having a gender identity that feels to be closely related to being autistic.
  26. Autogender: Having a gender experience that is deeply connected and personal to oneself.
  27. Axigender: A gender identity that is between the two extremes of agender and any other type of gender. Both the genders are experienced one at a time without any overlapping. The two genders are described as on the opposite ends of an axis.
  28. Bigender: Having two gender identities at the same or different times.
  29. Biogender: Having a gender that is closely related to nature.
  30. Blurgender: Also called gender fuss, blurgender means having more than one gender identities that blur into each other so that no particular type of gender identity is clear.
  31. Boyflux: The person identifies themselves as male, but they experience varying degrees of male identity. This may range from feeling agender to completely male.
  32. Burstgender: Frequent bursts of intense feelings quickly move to the initial calm stage.
  33. Caelgender: This gender identity shares the qualities or aesthetics of outer space.
  34. Cassgender: It is associated with the feelings of considering the gender irrelevant or unimportant.
  35. Cassflux: There is a fluctuating intensity of irrelevance toward gender.
  36. Cavusgender: The person feels close to one gender when depressed and to another when not depressed.
  37. Cendgender: The gender identity changes from one gender to its opposite.
  38. Ceterogender: It is a nonbinary gender where the person has a specific masculine, feminine or neutral feelings.
  39. Ceterofluid: Although the person is a ceterogender, their identity keeps fluctuating between different genders.
  40. Cisgender: Being closely related to the gender assigned at birth during the entire life.
  41. Cloudgender: The person’s gender cannot be comprehended or understood due to depersonalization and derealization disorder.
  42. Collgender: Various genders are present at the same time in the individual.
  43. Colorgender: In this category, colors are used to describe gender, for example, pink gender or black gender.
  44. Commogender: The person knows that they are not cisgender yet continues to identify as one for a while.
  45. Condigender: The person feels their gender only under specific circumstances.
  46. Deliciagender: Associated with the feeling of having multiple genders but preferring one over the other.
  47. Demifluid: Having multiple genders, some fluid while others are static.
  48. Demiflux: A combination of multiple genders with some genders static, whereas others fluctuating in intensity.
  49. Demigender: The individual has partial traits of one gender and the rest of the other gender.
  50. Domgender: The individual has multiple genders with one dominating over the rest.
  51. Duragender: Having more than one gender with one lasting longer than the others.
  52. Egogender: It is a personal type of gender identified by the individual alone. It is based on the person’s experience within the self.
  53. Epicene: It is associated with a strong feeling of not being able to relate to any of the two genders of the binary gender or both of the binary gender characteristics.
  54. Esspigender: The individual relates their gender identity with spirits.
  55. Exgender: The denial to identify with any gender on the gender spectrum.
  56. Existigender: The person’s gender identity exists only when they make conscious efforts to realize it.
  57. Femfluid: The person is fluid or fluctuating regarding the feminine genders.
  58. Femgender: A nonbinary gender identity that is feminine.
  59. Fluidflux: It means to be fluid between two or more genders with a fluctuation in the intensity of those genders.
  60. Gemigender: The person has two genders that are opposite yet they flux and work together.
  61. Genderblank: It is closely related to a blank space.
  62. Genderflow: The gender identity is fluid between infinite feelings.
  63. Genderfluid: The person does not consistently adhere to one fixed gender and may have many genders.
  64. Genderfuzz: More than one gender is blurred together.
  65. Genderflux: The gender fluctuates in intensity.
  66. Genderpuck: The person resists to fit in societal norms concerning genders.
  67. Genderqueer: The individual blurs the preconceived boundaries of gender in relation to the gender binary or having just one gender type.
  68. Gender witched: The person is inclined toward the notion of having one gender but does not know which.
  69. Girlflux: The individual identifies themselves as a female but with varying intensities of female identities.
  70. Healgender: A gender identity that gives the person peace, calm, and positivity.
  71. Mirrorgender: Changing one's gender type based on the people surrounding.
  72. Omnigender: Having or experiencing all genders.
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