上岸以后,我开始在陆地上探索。时间长了,我开始see the big picture。 开始指点江山,激扬文字。就是现在的这个状态。
gfgfgfgfddfdfsdfsdfdsfsasdfdfd开始几年, kaGoodresearch can also improve the quality of public debate and stimulate newthinking about feasible options. But the systematic and nuanced contri-butions of scientists, historians and policy scholars are often crowded outin public debate by the more strident views of media commentators andpartisan advocates.Goodresearch can also improve the quality of public debate and stimulate newthinking about feasible options. But the systematic and nuanced contri-butions of scientists, historians and policy scholars are often crowded outin public debate by the more strident views of media commentators andpartisan advocates.fdssdfadfsfdgdfdsfdfdresearch can also improve the quality of public debate and stimulate newthidfadfdasfsfnking about feasible options. But the systematic and nuanced contri-butions of scientists, historians and policy scholars are often crowded outin public debate by the more strident views of media commentators andpartisan ad