家里LD比我romantic,每年anniversary都计划去外面纪念,到了那天,还会给我纪念卡,倒是总是会写几句很实在的话,其中写的有,I bring him the best, he is a very lucky man ... etc.
2017, 1st Anniversary: Astoria, Lewis Clark National historical park...
2018, 2nd Anniversary: Oregon Mitchell painted hill, John Day Fossil bed ...
2019, 3rd Anniversary: Oregon Coast,Bandon beach, Winchester Bay, Oregon state parks...
2020, 4th Anniversary: 这一年都在家里躲Covid,哪里都不敢去
2021, 5th Anniversary: Mt Rainer, Lake Wenatchee, ...
2022, 6th Anniversary: Vancouver BC, ...
2023: 7th Anniversary: 4月底为了父亲,去了中国,呆了5个星期,我们两个人都得了Covid,我咳嗽的好厉害,6月初才回到家,觉得家里真好,顺利回到家就是最好的Anniversary memory.
2024:8th East Washington State
On the way to Grand Coulee Dam, 前面这条河是Columbia river
State highway 17N, 一路沿着几个湖开,Lenore lake, Alkali Lake and Blue lake, scenic drive
Grand Coulee Dam
Views from Steptoe Butte State Park,rolling hills very pretty
360 度 beautiful the views from the top.
Palouse Falls State Park
On the way to Walla Walla
So beautiful the rolling hills one after after
Walla Walla downtown
下图中间,1912 Walla Walla 的中国人4th July parade
Whitman College 在 Walla Walla downtown, 离我们的hotel很近,晚饭后,走在宁静的校园里
回来的路上,L'Cole wine tasting room used to be a local school
LD 品酒,我去看他们的小型机器自动装瓶