


(2022-03-04 07:16:39) 下一个

陈叔涵 2022年3月4日








To list the top 1 muddle-headed emperor thousands of years in the Chinese historyjust go through the forbidden comments!

By Chen Shuhan Mar. 4, 2022

(Translator’s remarks: the “forbidden comments” in the above heading sound the same as Jinping in the Chinese language)

Xi Jinping is mediocre in all other aspects except for internal power struggles and manipulating people. The people's eyes are discerning, if he was not muddle-headed, the Chinese people would not have given him so many junk names, such as Xi Forbidden Comments, Xi Baozi, Pooh Bear, and Xi Pig Head ...... which is unique from Mao Zedong to Hu Jintao era. The previous junk names given to leaders by the Chinese people were more flirtatious and less sarcastic, while the junk names added to Xi Jinping's head were pure sarcasm and contempt. When Xi Jinping was not the emperor, the people did not know he was so bad. After becoming the emperor, the people finally see what his true color is. As the saying goes, to know it's a mule or a horse, you just take it out for a run. As it turns out, Xi Jinping has been in power for ten years, and apart from the selective anti-corruption campaign launched to consolidate power, the rest of his initiatives are basically faint moves. The current handling of the Russia-Ukraine situation has pushed Xi's mediocrity to the extreme. In other words, in the list of dim-witted emperors in the past 2,200 years, Emperor Qingfeng tops the list, and I am afraid, it is unprecedented!

First, Xi Jinping supported Putin's invasion of Ukraine. When faced with good and evil, Xi blatantly chose evil. Some people say that Putin's invasion of Ukraine is good for China and that China can take advantage of the opportunity to take Taiwan. I guess Putin mostly fooled Xi Jinping in the same way: Russia attacked Ukraine, China attacked Taiwan. The United States is unable to cope with the two fronts of war, China and Russia can both get what they want. Xi Jinping was delighted to hear this. However, Xi never thought that the EU alone would be enough to deal with Russia whose economy is less than one-tenth of China's, without the US doing anything. This has proved to be true, as even the EU has not sent troops, the US does not need to participate in the war, and Russia has not taken Ukraine so far. Xi Jinping's dream of a sneak attack on Taiwan has come to nothing. The bottom line is that Russia's attack on Ukraine, a sovereign country, is a naked act of aggression, an evil act, and supporting a war of aggression is essentially no different from supporting murder and bank robbery in everyday life. The most shocking thing for the world, Xi Jinping actually did: not only offered public opinion support, but also signed a dozen economic and trade agreements with Putin, who got hundreds of billions of dollars from China, and then brazenly invaded Ukraine. It is thus clear that Russia’s aggression war against Ukraine was a teamwork in which Putin contributed troops and weapons while Xi Jinping contributed money and food. Putin and Xi Jinping are equally guilty of starting this war of aggression and they both are the originators of this war of aggression!!

Second, Xi Jinping is surprisingly silent when Russia recognizes the two eastern provinces of Ukraine as independent states. The two eastern provinces of Ukraine are the inherent territory of Ukraine, and Putin has recognized their separation from Ukraine. In that case, can't the West led by the US follow the example and recognize Tibet and Xinjiang as independent countries as well?! However, in the face of Putin's hegemonic move and the major hidden danger of China's territorial division in the future, Xi Jinping did not even dare to utter a breath, not to mention protest!

Once again, while the world's mainstream economies have been sternly sanctioning Russia for its aggressive crime, and even the US and Europe have kicked Russia out of the World Financial Settlement System (SWIFT), Xi Jinping has actually made no gesture to sanction Russia, not even in the form of expressive sanctions. Obviously, the sanctions imposed on Russia by Europe and the United States are aimed at hammering China: stop transplanting blood into Russia to fuel the war of aggression. Because the world can see very clearly that without China's massive monetary and material support, Russia simply does not have the capital to start a war of aggression. Putin is borrowing China's cattle to plow his own fields, and even the grass is fed by China! This is absurd: Xi Jinping has become an enemy of the forces of justice around the world because he supported Putin's invasion of Ukraine and that is faint enough. For the sake of China's personal interests alone, Xi Jinping should join the countries that have sanctioned Russia. China's trade with Russia is just over $100 billion a year, while its trade with the rest of the world is up to $6 trillion. If Xi Jinping continues to act foolishly, the U.S. and Europe will kick China out of the world financial system. At that point, China's losses would be more than that fifty Russia could make up for. To add insult to injury, Xi Jinping does not even know how to weigh such simple priorities. The most striking move of Xi Jinping is his statement that there is no limit to the friendship between China and Russia. Isn't this a direct declaration to the world that there is no bottom line of Russian-Chinese evil? I wonder which emperor in the thousands of years of China's history has been as dim-witted as Xi Jinping, and Xi is the only one!

In the international arena, there is always strength that speaks, and there is no diplomacy for weak countries. Today, China is the second largest economy in the world, and the country is rich and the army is powerful. However, it is the strangest thing in history that China is subject to Russia in international affairs. Isn't it enough that China has been bullied by Soviet Russia in modern times, that Soviet Russia has not occupied enough land of China, that Soviet Russia has not killed enough Chinese people? Nowadays, Russia has long been out of the picture, with only one-tenth of China's population and less than one-tenth of its economic volume, and Xi Jinping is like a mouse meeting a cat when he sees Putin. Xi Jinping is so subservient that it is unbelievable that he can earn benefits for the Chinese people. As it turns out, Xi Jinping has been in power for ten years, and the main target of his big money spreading is Tsar Putin the Great! Amazingly, there is such a muddle-headed emperor in the world: his wife is occupied by a robber (large territories are occupied), his children are brutally killed by a robber (a large number of people are massacred), and this husband not only does not kill this robber but sends a lot of money to this robber!

Throughout the ages, interactions between autocratic powers have never been more than deceitfulness, and the only way to be invincible as the ruler of a great power is to make the best of the situation and take advantage of it. Sadly, in his dealings with the northern polar bear (Russia), Xi Jinping never grasped the moment and never made good use of the situation, so a powerful country was eaten up by a weak one and played in the palm of his hand. And Xi Jinping is not ashamed, but proud of it. The Chinese civilization has been around for 3,000 years, and there has never been an emperor who is even more muddle-headed than Xi Jinping.

What is retardation in the game of great powers? The giant is driven by the dwarf, and the tiger is held nose by the mouse. However, the retarded can still be trained, and can be honed to gain experience and improve intelligence, but the mediocre cannot be cured, nature makes it so. Unfortunately, the first muddle-headed ruler of the millennium was born in China the land of Heavens!



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