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(2024-09-25 11:50:11) 下一个

网上查了一下,其实对康奈尔的揶揄大概是从ivy league 自己内部早开始的。 事实也是,Cornell 是个outlier, Cornell 从骨子里和其他七根藤是不一样的。 查阅为什么有fake ivy Cornell一说的过程,不仅了解了康的历史,也是一个fun的过程。 最终得到的结论是Cornell 是一个令人骄傲的学校,因着它独特的历史,经历和坚持的信念。 


1。 Cornell 建校在1865,是最年轻的ivy school。 应该是建校后即加入了ivy league 这一vibe (当时还没这个名字)。 Cornell 是一个发了科技横财的农民建的,大概这出身在7个大哥面前就抬不起头。 。但Cornell 是一个true American University,美国建国后的第一个大学。 Cornell也是唯一一个和slavery 没有 connection 的 藤。 IVY League的另外七个都是colonial colleges。 这个被一个农民建立起来的大学,开始被称cow college, 却是具有超越时代的关注平民的人文理念,diverse和inclusiveness 一开始就流在Cornell的血液中,最喜欢下面这段话:

“Truthfully, it’s because Cornell was the only one which did not discriminate against women, minorities, or by class from the beginning, by charter. Discrimination is the essence of any elite institution. Ezra Cornell was on the right side of history. That is all”


“Cornell was founded to teach practical knowledge for the new industrial age to everybody. Ezra Cornell was a Quaker farmer who made his fortune by inventing a telegraph wire stringing machine. Cornell has an Ag school as well as engineering and liberal arts. It even has an architecture school, something you would have had to go to Europe for otherwise. It was co-ed from the start and non-denominational.”

站在今天的角度,这个伪字应该是Cornell最骄傲的character: Cornell 从建校的第一天就是coed,就对女人 和minority 开放。 谁知道Yale是哪一年才招女生的? 
“These are the egalitarian principles that Cornell’s founders had in mind when the university was founded in 1865, which is relatively recent compared to Yale. Classes started in 1868 and the inaugural class graduated in 1872. The first woman graduated in 1873. Yale had no such principles. Yale didn’t even admit women until 1969.”

但是,有趣的是Cornell的co funder Andrew Dickson White was a Yalie。 
Cornell 也不是一个religious school。 Also by design,Cornell doesn’t even have a religious tradition in its history! Incredible outlier.

2。Cornell 的contract colleges也是纽约 state funded。这个当然会影响康contract colleges的selectiveness, elitism 和 self reliance。 当时我觉得这其实是个strength, 且不说contract college可以得到大笔state的钱,更重要的, 康有一个 pretty good sports program 所以学校的school spirit 是非常强烈的。  但是,这个state contract的特点 is quite a strike for a group that prides itself on exclusion and snob-knobbery。 

当斯坦福夫妇toured东部七个藤校以后,来到了山沟沟里的Cornell,即刻就明白了,他们心目中的学校是Cornell这样子的,在Cornell 学校和校友的帮助下,斯坦福终于建立了今天超越Ivy  leagure 紫檀的#0学校。 其实有人说康和UCB相似,其实也不无道理,在很多方面这两个学校on par with each other。但康还是有很浓厚的私立privilege的一面。访校时候,走到距离西campus那里,看到长街上爬的全部是豪华车的感觉和在engineering楼里是很不一样的。 要我说,康是S和UCB的混合体,既有prestigious的特点,也不妨碍具有追求practical的本质。 

一个学校并非适合所有人,特别是isolated在山沟沟里,虽然山沟沟是人间仙境似的美丽。我家两娃,一个是perfect的学校,一个基本不适合。 所以如何选择,家长孩子多了解去学校访问,才能做出sound的决定。 


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