
人生过得太快。Older but wiser.

Other news, 03/17/2021

(2021-03-17 08:39:16) 下一个
  • Denmark will limit the number of residents with "non-Western origin" in neighborhoods to a maximum of 30 percent within 10 years in order to "reduce the risk of religious and cultural parallel societies," the government announced today.
  • Poll: 75% Support Voter ID Law, Including 60% of Democrats
  • Majority of voters prefer to keep fuel prices low, over decreasing U.S. dependency on fossil fuels.  Fifty-two percent of respondents said they'd prefer "keeping the price of gasoline and heating fuel low," while 38% said they would rather focus on "reducing America’s reliance upon fossil fuels."
  • IRS delays filing deadline to May 17, as IRS grapples with a backlog of 24 million unprocessed tax returns
  • Russia has recalled its ambassador to the U.S.
  • Georgia Deputy Secretary of State Jordan Fuchs was source of fake Trump quotes in call. Fuchs was appointed by Brad Raffensperger
  • A Michigan judge ruled last week Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson (D) broke state law when she unilaterally issued rules related to absentee balloting, legitimizing a key claim made by the Trump campaign in its legal challenges to the 2020 election.
  • A fundraiser to help pay off Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s $19 million Los Angeles mansion has been shut down after reaching just $110.
  • The origin of the six-foot distancing recommendation is something of a mystery. --NYT    “It’s almost like it was pulled out of thin air,” said Linsey Marr, an expert on viral transmission at Virginia Tech University. Old scientific studies, some dating back more than a century, suggested that these droplets tend not to travel more than three to six feet. This observation, as well as an abundance of caution, may have spurred the C.D.C. to make its six-foot suggestion, Dr. Marr said. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends three to six feet of social distancing in schools, but the World Health Organization recommends just one meter, or 3.3 feet.
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