
为什么现在投资 SAVA

(2020-11-15 12:58:52) 下一个

Quote from Yahoo Finance (Comments by Alex):

"Here are two things that I have zero doubt that are taking place regardless of phase 2b publication status (though this works as well,as long as they comply with CTAD policy regarding publication):
1. On-going partnering discussions....to me it’s a no brainer, I know how the industry works, they are talking to sava now,no doubt given the immense data-set they have assembled.
2. FDA breakthrough designation application....again this is a no brainer, no need to wait for publication, they present the totality of their data set in an application to fda,and then wait for 60 days for response from fda. They can do the application without PR. However once they receive acceptance of BTD.....sava will issue a PR. Then it will be game over for shorts and see you at min 50 pps.

I am buying more based on my confidence of the above 2 points. Every one should make their own assessment but when either of these two news hits.....game over! No one can buy in at current value after that....."

BIIB的新药Aducanumab被专家组否定,对SAVA其实是利好消息,这大大增加了SAVA和大公司合作或被收购的可能性。接下来一段时间内的SAVA股价,估计会上下抖动得厉害。再去一次以前的低点也不是不可能。这是庄家在拉升之前的惯用技巧。所谓shake the tree to collect the shares。我们要做的,就是逢低买入,然后拿住不动---因为无法预测哪天Cassava公司会放出这种爆炸性的消息,所以最好别低买高卖。

从AVXL今天的表现来看,加上之前查到的一些关于Anavax的负面新闻,我还是坚持之前的观点,对AVXL不看好,也不准备持有。这个股票很可能最后落个pump & dump的结局:https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/finance/5236662.html 




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