

(2020-12-20 19:10:47) 下一个

大规模的新冠疫苗接种开始了。给新冠流行早日得到控制,日常生活早日恢复正常带来希望。同时也引起一些担心。有些是因为对此病毒的特性,mRNA 疫苗 的了解不足。这需要科学界继续努力。有些是因为民众对基本的病毒感染,免疫反应知之有限,加上媒体上一些有意无意的误导。举几个例子:

1, 有人担心,疫苗接种后,抗体只能存在几个月,没有长期保护作用。其实,任何一种特异性抗体的半衰期也就是几周。产生,分泌此抗体的浆细胞,在没有抗原和其它辅助因子刺激下,不久就休眠了。但是记忆细胞会在抗原再次进入时被激活,产生抗体。



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山乡不仕老了 回复 悄悄话 回复 '我住长江边' 的评论 : 不客气。
我住长江边 回复 悄悄话 感谢楼主的事实澄清,不然真的要被另一个“专业”博主的耸人博文要吓坏了
山乡不仕老了 回复 悄悄话 还是要读原汁原味的科学文章,翻译的都经常出错:
People who recover from COVID-19 sometimes later test positive for SARS-CoV-2, suggesting their immune systems could not ward off a second attack by the coronavirus or that they have a lingering infection. A study now hints at a different explanation in which the virus hides in an unexpected place. The work, only reported in a preprint, suggests the pandemic pathogen takes a page from HIV and other retroviruses and integrates its genetic code—but, importantly, just parts of it—into people’s chromosomes. The phenomenon, if true and frequent, could have profound implications that range from false signals of active infection to misleading results from COVID-19 treatment studies.

The current study only showed this integration in a lab dish, although it also cites published sequence data from humans infected with SARS-CoV-2 that suggest it has happened. The authors emphasize that their results don’t imply that SARS-CoV-2 establishes permanent genetic residence in human cells to keep pumping out new copies, as HIV does.
山乡不仕老了 回复 悄悄话 回复 '笑薇.' 的评论 : 误解多源自媒体半懂不懂的宣传。
雨止风停 回复 悄悄话 辉瑞疫苗自己的确把“injection site pain”算作副作用的。问题是人们在讨论副作用时并不首先做具体的定义,而是根据各自的立场去发挥,所以争论不可开交,如同鸡同鸭讲。任何注射的疫苗,注射局部疼痛是一定的,从这个意义上来说该疫苗100%有副作用,但如果该疫苗其它类型的比较严重一点的副作用发生率很低,它仍然很好。要看严重的、一旦发生就需要医疗处理的副作用发生的概率。
笑薇. 回复 悄悄话 看看这篇是误解吗? "MIT著名实验室发现新冠的潜在致癌风险"往下几篇就是这个by 雅美之徒。