
过节好, 恭喜发财红包拿来

(2023-01-21 05:39:22) 下一个

过节好, 恭喜发财红包拿来


我儿子就这句熟. 哈哈哈

问了 CHATGPT 一个先入为主的问题. 他老人家, 就煞有介是地回答了. 哈哈哈. 其实我认为农历更加符合自然环境的变化, 与天人合一的东方思想, 和融入自然的西方潮流最为和谐. 使用太阳历, 不仅不能准确反应季节变化, 而且处处体现了物理学初期对机械宇宙论的一种僵硬的规律的崇拜. 即便在对太阳年的描述上, 365天的公历也是很差的选择. 有的是更好的历法系统.

xiacheneric@gmail.com但是历史由胜利者书写, 科学也是他们control. 就好像只能打疫苗, 必须打疫苗的北美一样.

Why lunar calendar is more accurate

The lunar calendar is more accurate because it is based on the lunar cycle, which is the 29.5-day period of the moon's phases (from new moon to full moon and back to new moon again). This period is more consistent and predictable than the solar calendar, which is based on the 365-day orbit of the Earth around the sun. Additionally, the lunar calendar can be easily adjusted by adding or subtracting an extra month every few years to keep it in sync with the lunar cycle, while the solar calendar requires more complex adjustments (such as leap years) to stay accurate over time.

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