視覺藝術-紙藝術DIY教學示範彈出式明信片,具有三維元素,當您打開明信片時會展開。 彈出式藝術是一個絕佳的機會,可以用普通紙創造出獨特而獨特的東西獨特的藝術特質和手工製作的價值。

3d Pont Neuf|paper craft|paper cutting|paper artist|Pop up card|

(2021-02-09 07:09:48) 下一个

3d Pont Neuf|paper art and craft|paper cutting|paper artist|Pop up card|3d法國新橋

3d Pont Neuf|paper art and craft|paper cutting|paper artist|Pop up card|3d法國新橋 3d card/Paper art/Origami/Kirigami/3d kirigami | 3d paper art/3d card/3d紙藝術/3d視覺藝術 how to make paper Origami Architecture - how to make Origami Architecture - how to make Pont Neuf - how to make Kirigami Architecture - how to make Origamic Architecture - how to make diy Pont Neuf card - how to make greeting cards - how to make card design Pont Neuf - how to make Origami Architecture pop up card - how to make Origami Architecture card Pop up Pont Neuf card - How to cut and fold make Pont Neuf 3d card - 3d法國新橋 Paper Size : A4 . 200gsm This is a demonstration of how to cut and fold make a Pont Neuf pop up card. Interested people can download the pattern to make their own #Pont_Neuf pop-up cards. 這是示範如何做#3d法國新橋 彈出卡片,有興趣的人可以下載圖案自行製作3d法國新橋彈出卡片. Many people think that paper is something that is outdated.. After all, now you can just send a sticker in social networks. It is simple and fast, does not require any costs or time. However, the more so, a hand-made postcard will surprise the recipient and will let him know that you really tried to make something pleasant. #pop_up_card Pop-up-postcards are postcards with three-dimensional elements that are unfold when you open a postcard. The art of pop-up is a wonderful opportunity to create something completely unique and unique from plain paper Unique artistic traits and hand-made value. It is quite simple to make the card, for this you will need: colored paper, cardboard, scheme, cutter, glue, scissors, pencil, ruler, printer and computer. You can make such crafts with your child, developing his imagination and drawing skills. 許多人認為紙張已經過時了。畢竟,現在你可以在社交網絡中發送貼紙了。 它簡單快捷,不需要任何費用或時間。 然而,更多的是,手工製作的明信片會給收件人帶來驚喜,讓他知道你真的想要做一些令人愉快的事情。 彈出式明信片是明信片,具有三維元素,當您打開明信片時會展開。 彈出式藝術是一個絕佳的機會,可以用普通紙創造出獨特而獨特的東西獨特的藝術特質和手工製作的價值。 製作卡片非常簡單,為此您需要:彩色紙,紙板,方案,刀具,膠水,剪刀,鉛筆,尺子,打印機和計算機。 您可以與您的孩子一起製作這樣的工藝品,發展他的想像力和繪畫技巧。 影片為切割紙張及摺疊紙張過程.免費提供下載模板圖使用! 模板僅提供個人使用,不得使用於商業用途 ! The template is provided for personal use only and not be used for commercial ! The template download is FREE at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1isJjags9kBMOwO4TsNn9mGT59SITn-1J/view?usp=sharing If you like this video please subscribe me subscribe 訂閱https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxdQbCE1S2blAp7760QehQQ?sub_confirmation=1 如果您喜歡影片,請按訂閱,訂閱是免費的.它會讓您會收到影片更新通知.謝謝您! The Pont Neuf (French pronunciation: ?[p?? nœf], "New Bridge") is the oldest standing bridge across the river Seine in Paris, France. It stands by the western (downstream) point of the Île de la Cité, the island in the middle of the river that was, between 250 and 225 BC, the birthplace of Paris, then known as Lutetia and, during the medieval period, the heart of the city. The bridge is composed of two separate spans, one of five arches joining the left bank to the Île de la Cité, another of seven joining the island to the right bank. Old engraved maps of Paris show that the newly built bridge just grazed the downstream tip of the Île de la Cité; since then, the natural sandbar building of a mid-river island, aided by stone-faced embankments called quais, has extended the island. Today the tip of the island is the location of the Square du Vert-Galant, a small public park named in honour of Henry IV, nicknamed the "Green Gallant". The name Pont Neuf was given to distinguish it from older bridges that were lined on both sides with houses. It has remained after all of those were replaced. Despite its name, it is now the oldest bridge in Paris crossing the Seine. It has been listed since 1889 as a monument historique by the French Ministry of Culture. 新橋(法語:Pont Neuf)是法國巴黎塞納河上最古老的橋,「新橋」這個名稱是為了從許多連結兩岸的橋梁中區別出來而取的。 新橋位於西堤島(位於塞納河的中心,也是巴黎歷史的核心)的西邊,連結巴黎的左岸(巴黎的南部)與右岸。新橋長278公尺(912英尺),寬28公尺(大約92英呎),可以分成兩個部分,西堤島與左岸之間的部分有5個拱,與右岸連接的部分則有7個拱。 早在1550年,當時的法國國王亨利二世就希望在塞納河上建造一座新的橋樑,這是因為當時的聖母橋(Pont Notre-Dame)負荷過大。但後來因為成本過高,所以這個計畫並未實現。 亨利三世在1577年決定建造這座橋樑,並在1578年動工,並完成4支橋墩。橋樑設計在1579年出現大改變,因為當時想要拓寬橋面,讓房屋可以建造在橋上。這個企圖也導致橋墩必須繼續延伸。這些橋墩後來花費9年才完成。在長期的耽誤下,工程在1588年再次展開,但又因為法國宗教戰爭爆發,所以工程又延遲到1599年。新橋直到1607年才完工,當時由亨利四世正式揭幕。 橫跨塞納河的新橋 就像同時代大部分的橋樑一樣,新橋遵循羅馬的傳統慣例,被設計成由一系列短小拱橋所組成。新橋也是巴黎首座石造的橋樑,雖然房屋無法搭蓋在橋樑上方。在大型馬車通過時,行人可以暫時躲避在堡壘當中。新橋上不建造房屋是由亨利四世所決定的,因為這樣才不會阻礙羅浮宮(亨利四世任內進行大幅擴建)的景色。 在新橋剛建造完成時,通過它的交通狀況相當繁忙。在一段長的時期中,新橋是巴黎最寬的橋樑。新橋多次歷經修復及更新,包括重建橋拱,讓橋拱從半圓形變成橢圓形,並因此降低鐵路的高度(1848年至1855年之間)。1885年時,一支橋墩塌陷,並使得鄰近的兩個拱位置偏移。 從1994年至2007年間,新橋進行一次大規模修復,以慶祝新橋完工400週年。 blogger https://jrchiang.blogspot.com/ Pixnet http://jrchiang2006.pixnet.net instagram https://www.instagram.com/jrchiang_ig/ facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000032068067 Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/jrchiangm twitter https://twitter.com/jrchiang2006 pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/jrchiang2006/


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