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uncontested divorce

(2019-11-23 20:11:48) 下一个

打电话,发信问了一圈meditation office, attorney office for family law 帮忙file uncontested divorce.  最贵的是$6600, 最便宜的有attorney 帮忙看文件的是2500 + 500 filing fee。比较typical的非flat fee的回复是这样的:

Our firm charges $395.00 for lawyer and mediator time, and $250.00 for paralegal time.  Usually when clients are in total agreement it is approximately 20 hours of work to complete a filing and monitor your case through the court system.  This includes regular and normal conversations, information gathering, parenting plan that satisfies the court, child support calculator that court requires, the community property analysis and equalization that goes into the settlement even though you may divide things differently, the 55-page marital settlement agreement that protects your rights, the 20 or so required documents, the judgment documents, potential RSU valuation, inter-spousal grant transfers, and the like. 
We go to court approximately 4 times on a typical filing, so that you would never have to go.  We use Docusign and Zoom for your convenience, a 3-person team, and other systems that insure accuracy and efficiency.

最后图便宜找了一个专门帮忙填表,follow up with court 的一个机构。收费1500,虽然网上她们又不错的review, 我对他们没有律师有点不放心。打电话问过去才知道,她们就是用离婚软件来打印各种(attorney approved)表格。 


其中有家律所问我是否要请private judge。我说问什么要请? 她告诉我,我所在的县太多案子了,离婚申请六个月之后还需要等待半年到一年时间才有可能排到。我向她了解了一下private judge的费用是700-800美金。

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